1. On a Journey

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With apprehensive look, the restaurant owner looked out of the window into the dark white night.
"It's been snowing for many days," he muttered and lay back the curtains.
The restaurant lay somewhere in the gigantic province China in a small village. Many travelers took the chance to take a rest and to seek shelter from the strong hard winter.
The owner, an old rabbit, served with his family the guests. In the main room was a big fire where the most people sat and talked about good and bad times. One of them, an old wolf, was the loudest one and stood on a table. The old rabbit came in with a tablet of glasses when the wolf finished his tale: "And that's how it ended. Yes, on that day, the Dragon Warrior made with the worst enemy and kung fu opposer, and, I underscore it, the one who had planned to conquer China with dangerous fire weapons, he made him a peace offer. Yes, I heard it with my own ears."
"And what happened next?" somebody asked.
The old wolf shrugged his shoulders. "Nobody knows. Some people say in the caserns that he left the Valley of Peace, where he has been seen the last time. The Dragon Warrior never heard of him again. Other people say that the lord had plans for a new conquest. In turn, other ones say, he died in the mountains while an accident. And more others say, he built a town hidden somewhere, and nobody knows how much soldiers are hidden there."
He took the glass what the restaurant owner gave him and emptied it. "But all this can be just a rumor. I only heard it through the restaurants where I came in. Everybody tells another end. I only said what I heard the most."
The old rabbit looked at a corner of the room in surprise where a shadow moved to the exit. While the guest talked about new stories, the figure took its thick brown robe, hat, cane and bag.
"You want to leave?" he asked.
The figure hesitated. "I have to go."
It was a female voice. A very young voice.
"Outside is a heavy winter storm," the rabbit warned. "Wait until the storm is over. Maybe in few days..."
"No! I have to go now!"
With that, she opened the door. Cold, icy wind blew into the antechamber. The rabbit wanted to say something, but the figure jumped out and closed the door quickly.
"That's crazy. Poor thing."

The lights of the house had already disappeared behind her. Just darkness and snow surrounded the dark coated figure. Snowflakes danced wildly around her like white stars.
The path was hard to see, but it couldn't be far away anymore.
While she was walking the way, she thought about the story what they had told in the restaurant. This story, she had heard in many other restaurants. It was the only hint which she could follow up. Without a second one.
The Dragon Warrior. He was the only one who could help her. Her only possibility to find him.
"I have to find him," she whispered.
Her long robe erased her tracks in the snow.
"I will find him."
A shiver of coldness and fear shook her body.
"We need him." She took out something from the pocket. "More than this."
And she needs you.

You can also read the Spanish version by Dr_Psiquiatra here: https://www.wattpad.com/1138516893-%F0%9D%90%8B%F0%9D%90%9A-%F0%9D%90%AE%CC%81%F0%9D%90%A5%F0%9D%90%AD%F0%9D%90%A2%F0%9D%90%A6%F0%9D%90%9A-%F0%9D%90%86%F0%9D%90%AE%F0%9D%90%9E%F0%9D%90%AB%F0%9D%90%AB%F0%9D%90%9A-%F0%9D%90%80%F0%9D%90%9C%F0%9D%90%A5%F0%9D%90%9A%F0%9D%90%AB%F0%9D%90%9A%F0%9D%90%9C%F0%9D%90%A2%F0%9D%90%A8%CC%81%F0%9D%90%A7

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