5. The City of the Peacock

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Po rubbed his eyes and stared ahead again. Down the hill, there lay a gigantic plateau between lower and higher mountains. On this flat mountain area stood a collection of buildings covered and filled over and over in construction zones. In these zones moved and worked many and many sheep, goats and rams.
Panda and peahen were so caught that they didn't realize the waving hoof of the little sheep, who signaled them to follow him.
They followed a board way until they reached the construction area of a city wall with a big gate. On the left and to the right stood big goats. Po eyed the big door where on every wing of the door was a red peacock with open wings. Po couldn't say whether they showed an attack or a welcome position. Maybe both.
The big guard goats snorted and stared down at them.
But the little sheep wasn't afraid and moved his hoof. "Open the gate!"
Po had thought it would be a problem, but no long and the gates were opened. The little sheep walked in first. The visitors followed.
Po waved his paw at one of the guards. "Hey buddy, what's up?"
But the goat didn't reply. He only stared at him with grim eyes.
Po forced a smile. "The same to you."
Quickly he ran forward and became slowly and looked around.
Never in his life Po had seen so many building sites in one place. Heavy laden sheep and goats which pulled carts with stones and other building materials. Others built little Chinese houses, sheep cleaned the rooms, others cooked food. Along the walls and houses were affixed ropes to pull up the stones.
"Very busy place," Po muttered.
"The town is still new," the little sheep said. "But we make progress."
They walked through the building site new city until they met their chief aim.
"Uh," Po said. "That's very impressive."
They stood again in front of a wall what Po reminded to the walls around the tower of Gongmen City, but this time without a tower in the middle.
Po craned his neck, but he didn't have to flounder long. The gates of the wall were opened and Po had to say again: "Wow!"
On the left and to the right and distributed stood again several big goats and rams with lances along the wall. The little sheep guided them forward and they crossed a wide empty yard. Po got a shiver under his fur. It was like a collection place for an army. The wideness of this place forced him to look around. Was that a trap?
But the goats and rams who walked on the walls didn't seem to have an attack in mind. But they watched them carefully.
Now they reached the big main house. It had the typical Chinese roof and reminded him to the Jade Palace. Just much bigger. The walls were painted red, the pillars of silver, the facades covered with wafting flags with red peacocks on white ground or white peacock and red background. But no building areas around. Maybe this house was finished first.
"Very nice," Po said and stopped. "AHA, my old enemy and friend..."
Xia watched the panda who lifted his eyes.
The palace building stood in the empty place like an island. But to reach the house door, someone had to climb up the stairs which were hundred or more.
"Well, better this than at home," Po sighed and climbed up the first steps.
He hesitated and turned around. Xia was still standing there and seemed to be unsure.
"Oh, come on," Po said. "That's much better than to climb up a mountain."
Now she gave herself a jerk and took one step after another. Together they walked up until the last step was overcame and stood in front of big wings of doors. The little sheep knocked against it. No long and a very, very little windows in the door was opened. The ram inside the house asked something, and the sheep answered. Shortly after the windows were closed and the door opened.
They entered a white, red, paired with colors of gold, silver decorated corridor, with elaborately decorated walls and ceilings. Patterns of peacocks, peahens and flowers, trees, houses had painted or carved into walls, pillars, vases and tables.
Po fell like to be in a Chinese art museum. That was more than a palace. But peacocks were very well art lovers like their colors and feathers.
Po stopped when he heard a loud single bell.
"Follow me," the little sheep said.
They walked along the long corridor which guided them to a big hall, decorated with big white, red flags. At the end of the hall lay a big chair and Po knew immediately, it was a throne chair.
The sheep stopped and lifted his right hoof. "Wait a moment."
With that, he left them and disappeared through a door at the end of the hall.
Po took the time and put his rucksack aside.
"Mm. He was in a generous mood."
He laughed. "Wow, what a gigantic vase. I wonder what's in there."
His fascination was interrupted when he realized that Xia looked at all sites and kneaded her finger feathers nervously.
"Don't be nervous," he said and smiled at her. "I will talk to him first."
The peahen looked at him and tried to smile, but it didn't work like she wanted. And before Po could ask a question, he heard little footsteps on the floor. The little sheep appeared and waved his hoof to the right.
"The lord receives you now."
A loud stroke of a gong echoed through the hall and faded away. But then the dying sound was accompanied by clear clicking footsteps.
They waited. Po got a shiver when he realized a movement through the site door of the hall. First, there was a wave of a robe, followed by a white figure.
Po kept his breath when the white lord entered the hall room with slow steps. He wore a silver robe with red embroideries. He had laid his wings together under his robe, like always, his expression suffused with pride and calm like he wouldn't be from the world. His emanating of elegance wasn't lost. He still looked frail, but his nimbleness wasn't to be underestimated. And Po knew it very well.
His long feathers were grown again to their full length again and wiped over the shiny stone floor.
The peacock walked along. He stopped in front of the throne and looked down at them. Po broke the first ground and waved at him.
"Hi, long time no see." The panda bit his underlip. Then he lowered his face respectfully. "Peace be with you."
The lord took a deep breath, what sounded more like a sigh, but he kept his proud expression on his face.
"Greetings, panda."
The Dragon Warrior sighed. "Couldn't you call me Po? Why so formal?"
The lord lifted his nose a little higher. "That's beseems, panda."
Po shrugged his shoulders and looked around. "Nice house, very big, very impressive. How did you get this place?"
The lord walked a few steps forward, while he waved his wing around. "See, after I found the last fortune what my father bequeathed, I bought the land from this folk, provided that they will live in this city and to build it up for me." He let wander his glance. "You see, they are eager and all of them are loyal workers." He made a break and rested his eyes on the panda. "But what's your reason to come here?"
He had a little unsureness in his eyes.
"Oh, yes, yes. Sorry, I was so impressed of your new... residence, that I forgot... I... no, not me, her... I have... there is someone who wants to see you."
He waved his paws behind and pointed at the peahen, who had taken down her hat. Po made a few steps backwards and looked at one to another with moving eyes and rubbed his palms in excitement.
The two birds looked at each other. There was silence. No one of them spoke a word. The panda scanned their faces carefully. Xia, more anxious, and Shen – no reaction.
"Who are you?" was the lord's only neutral question.
Po let fall his shoulders in disappointment. They weren't familiar with each other?
The peahen moved her beak and managed to give a sound. "Uhm, my name is Xia."
For a moment she had lowered her head, but then she got the courage to look at him again.
Shen looked like misunderstood and moved the corners of his beak in skepticism. "And? Do we know each other?"
The girl put her finger feathers together and tapped them nervously. "Uhm, well, not really."
She sighed deeply.
Shen was still waiting for a detailed answer. He made one step forward, his face covered with suspicion. "I don't know you. How do you know we know each other not really?"
"I... I..."
Po rubbed his forehead. It was like she had forgotten the text until she took a new breath.
"I'm your daughter."

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