As he was walking in the house suddenly he was grabbed and pushed onto a wall. "What the fuck? You slept with her?" Edward roared as he pushed Paul against the wall. 

Paul immediately got angry. How the fuck did he know? Oh, yeah. Happy thoughts. He can read minds, or hear thoughts. Whatever. 

"Get off me, man!" Paul exclaimed. Instead, 

Edward grabbed his shirt even tighter. "You had sex with my niece?" he asked roughly. 

"I am warning you. Get. Your. Hands. Off. Me. Now." 

Edward didn't seem to be backing down and Paul took a deep breath. "Yes. Okay? But it's not like I forced her. She wanted it. I would never force her," he calmly said. 

Edward still looked angry and he looked like he might attack. Paul was not afraid of that, he could probably take him down. 

Then, Edward tilted his head and his face changed. It was like he was in shock. 

"What?" Paul asked. He didn't answer and let go of Paul. 

He looked at him. "We're not done talking about this," he hissed and sped away toward where Ashley was.

Paul followed him. He was standing at the doorway. He looked inside and saw that Ashley was awake. She was freaking awake. 

"Ashley!" he exclaimed and that took her attention. She looked scared, scratch that, terrified,  but as soon as she saw Paul her face softened. 

As Paul went inside Edward walked out. Paul didn't care. All he cared about was Ashley. 

He kneeled down next to the bed and took her hand into his. "Oh, baby, you're awake. I'm so sorry, I should have protected you, I'm so sorry. I'm so glad you're awake now," he started to say and kiss her hand. 

"Paul," Ashley managed to let out. Her throat was dry and it was hard to speak.

"Yeah, baby?" 

"Can you hold me?" her voice came out broken and there were tears in her eyes. 

Paul nodded. "Of course," he softly said. 

Ashley scooched a bit back and made room for him to lay next to her. Paul squeezed into the tight space and took her in his arms. He started kissing her hair and head softly as she snuggled between his shoulder and head. 

They stayed like that for about half an hour. Then Paul heard the footsteps of her family. "Babe, your family's back," he murmured to her ear. 

She jerked away in fear. Paul furrowed his brows. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"Paul, please don't let them in," she whispered. 

Paul wanted to as why. Didn't she want to see them? They were dying to see her. He was sure they didn't know she woke up and would be overjoyed. 

But her face said enough so he nodded and got up. He got out of the room and started waiting for them. 

As expected, Rosalie and Emmett appeared in the hall. "Step away," Rosalie said. 

Paul shook his head. "I'm sorry, I can't,"

"What the fuck you mean you can't?" Emmett exclaimed, taking a step and getting closer to Paul. 

He wasn't going to lie, he was a bit intimated by Emmett, probably because he was Ashley's father but it was her wish and he would do it no matter what.

Edward appeared behind them. "Guys, cmon. We need to talk first,"

Rosalie turned around in anger. "No, I want to see my daughter first," 

Loving You / Paul Lahote -  [EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now