We Will Find Answers

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Jane’s P.O.V.

I am glad that we found everyone again. . . but what about that creature? What were we hoping to accomplish by coming out here tonight. Other than finding answers, what were we looking for specifically? “Hey guys?” “What’s wrong Jane?” “Alex, it’s just that, now that we are all together again I was wondering what we are going to do now?” “What do you mean?” “Well it's just that, I was curious to what the plan was. Now that we don’t have a lookout” “Hm. . . I see it’s probably best we are all together with everything going on. There is power in numbers” “Yeah, your right” 

Yang’s P.O.V

There’s a sudden chill in the air. I am starting to doubt whether I actually want to go after this thing. I might not even want answers. What are we going to find out? “Umm, hey Morgan?” “Yeah Yang? What’s up?” “This is probably gonna sound really lame compared to you, but I’m not really ready to face this thing...  lame huh?.” “What? You’re not lame. It’s totally normal to be scared. And what do you mean compared to me?” “Oh uh n-nothing! Just rambling..!”

Morgan’s P.O.V

I feel bad for Yang, why would he say that. He really is a nice guy, I need to cheer him up! “Hey. I’m scared too, and you’re not lame for being human. It’s ok, I’m here to comfort you, you got that?” “Thanks Morgan. That means a lot” “Anytime!” “*cough* *cough* So... cute~” “Hush Jane…!” Oh my gosh with her? Ugh. “Ohh. I see how it is. Ahh, young lov-” “Aaaaaaannnddd now we should get going haha” “Tch” We’re just friends. Just friends. “Hey sorry to break you lovebirds up but we have to get going” Seriously!? “I wouldn’t know now what you’re referring to” “She’s right Yang, we should keep going” “Look Morgan!” “What is it Pati?” “I think that the fog is clearing up!” “Finally! We can take off these masks.” “So Alessandro?. ..” “Yeah Pati?” “Got anything else in that backpack that could be useful?”  “Don’t be ridiculous. How would I even have room for anything else when I had all those masks in here?” “Really?” “Ok fine, I may have brought like, six machetes or something like that” “HUH!? Did you steal Mary Poppins’ bag or something?” “That’s pretty offensive Alex. I merely borrowed it- Of course I didn’t! Jeez, aren't you happy I came prepared at least!?” “Oh, I see, then you must be a fairy!” “Just take the knife” “Haha. ok” Oml these guys and their comments. “C’mon guys, we have a demon to hunt!”

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