When we reach the front of the school I hear my name being called and Cam stiffens next to me. I turn to see Thomas waving my book in his hand and I feel like the biggest fool for not remembering.

He looks at Cam before meeting my eyes, "Hey. Thought you'd need this today."

I force a smile, taking the book from him, "Yeah I do. Thanks."

"I take that class too. Just a different period." He meets Cam's eyes again before smiling down at me, "Maybe we can study together. You know, finals seem kind of far but better late than never."

I'm about to reply that it sounds like a good plan because I like to study and plan ahead, but Cam presses me tighter against his side.

"No, you fucking won't. I can help her study." He scowls at him while moving me to the side as he gets closer to Thomas. I instantly grab his arm, "We aren't cool, Thomas. Your little disrespectful game won't pass by me. You want what's mine and I'll fucking make sure you won't try some shit ever again."

"Cam." I try to get his attention, but it doesn't seem to work as he has some kind of stare-down with Thomas.

He seems scarier than the time they were going to fight in the library. This time Cam's arms feel tighter and his face is hard while I can clearly see his blue eyes swirling with anger.

Thomas only makes eye movement to look at me as he's also standing stone-hard, "I'll text you, Olivia."

He turns to walk away and I can feel Cam move in his direction so I have to stand in front of him and it's like if he's finally realized I'm here with him.

His eyes get big as I take a step back, "What's wrong with you? I know this whole thing started to get Thomas to back off, but why are you so worked up over it?"

His face hardens again and now he's glowering down at me, "Is that really your book?"


He takes a step closer making me back up again, "How did he get your book, Olivia?"

Fuck. I'm Olivia now? Why the hell is he even this mad for?

"I... We bumped into each other yesterday and he took it by accident." I answer as my heart races so fast it feels like it's going to fall out of my chest. He looks too worked over this fake relationship and I hope he doesn't realize it and end this once and for all.

He finally breaks eye contact running his hand through his hair as the bell rings.

"I'll walk you to class." He mutters and starts to walk inside the building and I can feel the tension radiating off of his body.

I don't know why but I can't help but tell him, "I'm sorry."

He doesn't turn those pretty deep blue eyes towards me as he keeps walking forward and mutters a 'whatever' which rips a little through my heart. It shouldn't have hurt, but it did. Last night felt different and this morning seemed relaxed and carefree. I don't want to be near mean Cam again.

When we get to the front of my class he doesn't give me a chance to ask him if we're okay or even his usual peck on the lips when he walks me to my class. He just shoves my books in my hands and walks away, leaving me to stare after him. He gives curt nods to some guys who do the same to him.

I go into class but I might as well be somewhere else because my head is not even here as I keep thinking about Cam. I hate being this hurt over a fake relationship that I took too seriously. Knowing Penelope will scold me for it, I text Natalie by third period and tell her what happened and she just texts back to chill and insist on my friendship with Thomas because Cam has no right to dictate who will come after him once he leaves me to be with Zoey.

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