Lieutenant Blue sat there playing around with letters, trying to figure out the words, before he heard the automatic tell go off and a person take its place. Telling the person, the name of the guy that he wanted to speak to, Lieutenant Blue sat on the phone for ten minutes. As soon as his wait time reached ten minutes, his old friend, Xavier Spencer reached the phone.

"Who is this?" The man's voice asked, laced with curiosity.

Lieutenant Blue let out a small laugh.

"Hey Xavier, this is Raymond Blue. If my name doesn't spark you're memory, then just remember you're time in service."

Xavier's voice let out a small gasp, before talking, "If you're calling me, you need something. What is it?"

Lieutenant Blue chuckled, before speaking, "I need anything that you can find out about Sahir West."

The phone line was silent, before Xavier let out a loud, obnoxious laugh.

"What's so funny?" Lieutenant Blue asked, not understanding what he said that could be so funny.

Once Xavier's laughing stopped, he said, "What's funny is you. If I were you, I would stop while you're ahead."


"I can't believe that we just did that." Samia said as she raced up the stairs with Sahir, both of them holding a baby carrier in their hands.

Sahir wiped his face off using the bottom of his tank top, before looking at Salina.

"That was light. It was just twenty miles. You know that we use to do more miles than that back in the day."

Samia shot a look at Sahir.

"You're right about that, but that was before I had the twins, dipshit."

As the two finally reached their floor and turned the corner to where their apartment was, both of them faltered in step.

Samia shot Sahir another look, one that he returned. Both of them grabbed the back of the baby carriers in their arms, and pressed down on the secret compartment. Once the secret compartment opened, Sahir grabbed his all black GLOCK 40 and Samia grabbed her hot pink .40 S&W.

Closing the compartments, they both slowly stalked towards their apartment door. As they walked, they switched positions; Samia fell behind Sahir, as he took the front. Once they were close enough to the door, Sahir handed Sayid's baby carrier and his glock over to Samia, who gently placed them down onto the ground, behind an ottoman that sat in the hallway.

"Mommy and daddy will be right back babies." Samia whispered to Sayid and Seiji, who only smiled at the sight of her face.

Once Samia stood back up, the couple slowly stalked closer to the door. Once close to it, Samia placed her back against the wall next to it and remained still for a few seconds.

"There's one man on the couch, by the windowsill. He's reading a book." Samia said, turning her head so that she could lock eyes with her husband.

"A robber, who reads on the job...I thought we would never see one of those." Sahir said with a smirk.

Samia shook her head, before looking back at the door.

"Go for the far wall, I'll cover you from here."

Sahir nodded, before standing with his back towards the door that stood across from their door.

"One." Samia whispered only for Sahir to shoot her a kiss.

"Two." Samia whispered, receiving another air kiss from Sahir.

Samia clicked her gun and his glock off of safety, before sending a kiss back Sahir's way. As soon as Samia said, "Three." she grabbed the door's handle and flung it open, causing Sahir to quickly run in and jump onto the man who infiltrated their apartment.

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