16.5 (Romance)

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[Warning! This is a smut chapter! Not interested? Skip it! You won't miss anything!]

[Haha, and a bit short.]

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Dust followed Nightmare down the hall when someone tugged him back by the back of his jacket.


It was Horror. The damaged skeleton put a finger to his mouth in a warning to stay quiet. Interested in the game, Dust raised a brow.

Horror silently took them into a small crevice in the wall where a table dressor should be. The types to have vases for decor.

Horror pinned Dust against the wall by his hips and kissed him deeply. Having no other choice, he kissed back, grinning. Really? Now? Would have been nice if he got a warning that they'd end up continuing where they left off from before...

They made out for a while before Horror grew impatient and slid his clawed hands up into Dust's shirt, trailing up their spine.

"Nnh... Horror?"

"Shhh.... I wanted ta touch ya."

Dust made a noncommittal sound and let Horror do what he wanted. He was too lazy to care. But he couldn't help but let out a low whimper, accidentally, when Horror moved the hand down to tease his waistband.

"Nngh, Horror, come on.... Make it quick."

Horror huffs.

"Fine~ I'll just cut it here, then."

He moved away, making Dust whine.

"Fucking tease....."

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