Chapter 30

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[The one about Dust falling asleep and Horror being hungry.
Hey! We made it to 30 chapters!]

Dust finished wrapping up some sandwiches in plastic wrap and placing them in the fridge. He knew Horror might want something at night so he started leaving food in the fridge when it got late.

It's been a bit concerning with how much Horror eats but he didn't seem too worried about it so maybe it was just a normal thing for monsters from his AU.

Dust closed the fridge and yawned, snapping his fingers to try and wake up a bit more. He was already slipping in and out and he couldn't control when he lost consciousness. Dizzy, he sat on the couch and groaned.


He was gonna fall asleep again. It was so annoying yet it gave such a nice reason to be lazy…

A large clawed hand dropped on his shoulder.

"Wanna sleep?"

Dust just nodded, eyes already closed.

"Can't walk."

Horror grunted in acknowledgement and picked them, letting their head lay against his shoulder.

"How long?"

"Mmm… been a few minutes…. Made s'n'wiches…"

Horror kissed their cheek.


The large skeleton carried them to their now shared bedroom to sleep. Horror wasn't too bothered that Dust fell asleep a lot. It made it easier to keep an eye on him and simpler to take care of. Neither of them liked fancy dinners or being serenaded with a suit and flowers.

Dust made him food, and Horror slept with them. And this worked for them. Their lives before joining the group were lonely and filled them with dread for the next day.

But now that they could have the time to relax and have fun, it was a relief. Horror never had to worry about his brother starving to death and Dust didn't need to spend all his life killing things and getting killed by things.

Horror slipped in the bed with Dust close in his arms.

"Yer bones are small…"

Dust just mumbled and put his hand on their face. Horror snorted and moved the hand.

"Ya eaten?"

"Mmmmghhhh….. Shhhhhhh…."

Horror was a bit annoyed at being ignored but decided that it could wait. Though, the idea of Dust's bones being frail from malnutrition couldn't leave his mind and unfortunately got stuck in a loop.

The hole in his head warped his mind and made it repeat again and again like a broken record.

'Dust is small. Dust is small. Dust is small. Dust is small.'

Again and again, Horror manically Checked their HP and fixated his eye working eye on their sleeping form.


Hours of worry and jittery energy started taking its toll on him as he got up from the warm bed.


His soul felt itchy and hollow.

"Hungry." He stated simply, getting out of bed and heading to the kitchen. A clock distantly displayed that it was around midnight. But that wasn't new. Seeing it was like a routine.

Getting Dust tucked in, worrying about him, getting hungry… it was funny to find that Dust just thought he woke up at night for a snack. Which wasn't completely wrong.

He pulled out the wrapped sandwiches and started eating one. It was pretty good. He liked the turkey and mustard.

'Haha, mustard Underfell Sans he screams a lot kinda tasty does blood stain black clothes? Forgot to get groceries, maybe Dust will make those potato things with cheese and meat.'

His mind whirled around with no structure, jumping from topic to topic. It was a wonder how he ever got things done with how disorganized his thoughts were.

'And-and-and maybe Dust- Dust will make- what?'

He stared at the wall, trying to remember what he was thinking about.

A voice snapped him out of it.


He turned to face Nightmare.

"Oh, Heya, boss."

"What are you doing up?"


"..... for the wall?" He asked sarcastically.

Horror tilts his head, confused.

"You were staring again."

"Oh." Horror frowned and glared at the wall as if it made fun of him.

"You better finish up and go to bed."

He nodded. Those were easy. He can do that. He doesn't have to think about it.

"Goodnight, Horror."


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