"Look, I don't want any trouble. My wife would kill me."

Muerte shrugged his shoulders.

"Then hand the stuff over."

With one hand and in quick motions, Sahir removed his gold chain, watch, and wallet. Throwing it to Muerte, he sent a smile his way.

"I gave you boys what you, now are we finished? Can I go?"

Muerte and his partner stood still, inspecting the items that Sahir gave them.

Growing annoyed at the two wannabe thieves in front of him, Sahir said, "Look, we had a deal. You commit a felony and I go freely."

Muerte stepped past his partner, closer to Sahir.

"You're not going anywhere. Ronaldo, cut him!" Muerte yelled causing Ronaldo to run towards Sahir at full speed.

Once Ronaldo was at a close distance to where Sahir was, he used the hand with the knife to stab at Sahir. Sahir quickly backed up and elbowed Ronaldo in the face with his free left arm. Sensing that he was a little dazed, Sahir landed a quick punch to his face which sent him falling into a brick wall.

Muerte looked at the scene before him, angry that Ronaldo couldn't get the job done. Grabbing his own pocket knife, he looked at Sahir who watched him with a smirk on his face.

"I don't think you thought this one through Morty."

Feeling rage, Muerte ran towards Sahir with intentions to stab him all over. Before Muerte could even attempt to try and stab Sahir, Sahir kicked him in his nuts. Once he was hunched over, Sahir landed another powerful kick to his chest, knocking him over.

Looking down at Seiji, Sahir was surprised to see him sleeping.

"Only my kid would fall asleep while watching me fight." Sahir chuckled to himself.

Making his way past the two men, he switched Seiji over to his left arm and grabbed the stroller in his right. A few seconds later, he swung his body around, swinging the metal stroller into Muerte's face.

Ronaldo's eyes widened at the sight of Sahir knocking Muerte down with the stroller, though he couldn't even see that Muerte was coming his way.

Sahir lifted the broken stroller off of Muerte's body and looked in Ronaldo's direction. Feeling eyes on him, Ronaldo dropped his head and closed his eyes like he was knocked out.

Shaking his head, Sahir turned his attention onto Muerte, who sat with his back against the wall. He watched Muerte's eyes widen and then him lean over to spit, only to spit out one of his teeth.

"I don't think that's good, Morty." Sahir said with a snicker escaping his mouth.

With adrenaline rushing through his battered body, Muerte stood up and took off towards Sahir again. This time, Sahir let Muerte get close enough so that he could see Muerte's fighting techniques.

Muerte jutted his hand forward so that the knife would go into Sahir's stomach, but the knife met the stroller that Sahir swung in front of his body.

Feeling even more frustrated, Muerte jutted his hand forward again, only for the knife to meet the same fate as before. He tried to remove the knife from the stroller to make another attempt to stab Sahir, but he stopped when he realized that the knife was stuck.

Smiling at Muerte, Sahir swung the stroller around with Muerte's hand still attached to the knife. Instead of letting go, Muerte held on, falling into a random metal bins that stood in the alleyway.

Wanting to get back to the rest of him family, Sahir decided that he would stop playing around. Sending a kick to Muerte's chest and face, Sahir backed up when he seen that Muerte wasn't going to be getting up anytime soon. Reaching in Muerte's pockets, Sahir grabbed his chain, watch, and wallet. Putting the items in his pocket, Sahir picked up the stroller with his empty hand.

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