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Days went by in Jimin's house and he was getting better, his scars were vanishing and he was able to move now. Mother always came at night to give us food and stuff . In all this, I forgot about Jungkook and Jeun. Well I guess they must be studying as they are having practicals now like us.

"Well Jimin tomorrow I'm leaving."

"Yaaa man, why hurry, stay for more days. "

"I would love to but you know now I have a sister to take care of."

"Ohhh yeah protector!"

"Ahh whatever."

"And yeah have you thought anything about Jungkook's matter?"

"Aaaaaaa... Did I have to think something about him?"

"Ofcourse idiot, are you going to say your feelings to him or not?"

"Ahhh that no, I'm not going to say anything."

"Hah? Then again are you going to hide it?"

"Well I guess yes."

"Yaaa if you're my friend like Jimin's friend then you gotta show some guts and need to propose him at least."

"Well then I'll prefer not to be your friend."

"Oh but you can't unfriend me so now it's final you're going to propose him after you go from here and there's no turning back."

"But I don't want to spoil this current relationship."

"That you should have thought before kissing him and masturbating over him , now have some guts and show your desire- ahh 'love' baby. And what will happen? He'll just not talk with you that's it and that's no big deal right?"

"That is a big deal dumbo ahhhh leave this ."

"No Taehyung jokes aside , you need to just say your true feeling whether it's love or like so that you don't regret it later and it's better to let it out sometimes. There's only two things he'll do, accept or reject and if he truly wants you in his life he won't stop talking with you over this. So please I request you tell your true feelings to him ."

"Ok Jimin I'll try."

"No try , you have to and that's a deal after that you can have my bike and I'll have yours"

"Ahhhh what a deal but alright I accept it."

Next day I went back home. Practical and exams were over within this time so we were kind of free.

"Ahhh long time no see my room! Ahhh and my lovely privacy."

I was tired so I decided to take a long shower. It was noon and mom and dad were not home as always. Jeun was downstairs, and she'll probably not disturb me but still let's just message her.
"Jeun I'm resting in my room and I like to rest my way so please don't come for one or two hours upstairs and let me feel like I'm home alone."

I picked clothes to wear and a towel when suddenly Jeun shouted from downstairs, "I'll not disturb you oppa, you can feel like you're home alone. I'll be in my room for the next two three hours, so enjoy!"

I smiled and replied, "thanks babes!"

I started the shower and just let the droplets of water touch my skin. It was relaxing and soothing as every drop rinsed my tiredness. I didn't realize that around half an hour has passed, and I was still in the shower. I saw my finger tips curled up as I stopped the shower and went out of the washroom in a towel all naked and brought back the clothes to the room.
After long shower like this I feel like staying naked for a while.

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