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Taehyung and Jeun were getting to know each other more as Taehyung was starting to trust her more. And sometimes Jeun also started helping Taehyung in his night out by giving excuses to his parents.

They both were coming back from shopping in the evening when Taehyung saw that earring guy coming towards their direction.

Somehow without realization Taehyung's head automatically dropped down but a sudden urge to see him made him look up but to his sudden surprise he was also looking in their direction but what he realized was he was looking towards Jeun and Jeun was also looking straight in his eyes.
"Girl where did you get that confidence?"

"Ahhh Jeun he's the one I was talking about , that earring guy."
"Ohhh really! He's hot though hmmmm"
"Jeuna don't look he'll get the wrong idea."
"So what ? We have to give him the wrong idea hehe..."

He passed us and she turned to see him going and disappearing into a dot.

"Happy to see him? Now let's go. "

We got back from shopping and all and guess what I encountered Jungkook sitting in my room with all his books and study material.

"Oh hyung how was shopping? What did you buy?"
"You wanna know?"
"If you'll tell me then of course"
"Then strip for me "
He was shocked for a sec with a small shy smile on his lips.
"Hahahah aww jungkookie you're so cute , are you shy ? Heheh I was just teasing you."
"Here I bought some t-shirts and shorts ."
"You'll wear them ? Don't you think they are way shorter?"
"Jungkook it's damn hot outside and I can't handle sweat and hot so it's really comfy!"
"Ohhh yeah right!"
"And where's Jeun ? "
"Jeun? Huh? You know very well she's your noona ."
"I know but she told me that it's alright to call her by her name without noona and we kinda have that chemistry so I think it's okay."

Taehyung stopped everything he was doing , he pulled Jungkook by his collar to see him in the eyes . They were just cms away from each other when Taehyung said while glaring , "what chemistry are you talking about huh? Have you guys become that close during these study sessions that you both have started calling each other from your first names? Don't you think it is getting irritating for some people?"

"Hyung what are you talking?", he silently replied while seeing me in the eyes.

"You wanna know what I'm talking about?" He started nearing towards his lips to which Jungkook was not backing off. He was also wondering why?

Knock knock

"Oppa I think some of my clothes are in your bag , can I see?"

They both backed off on the sudden disturbance. "Ahh yes, Jeun, come in."

"Ohhh Jungkook is here already?"
"Hmm so wanna continue the study session?"
"Aaaa unm yeah I guess"
"Ok then wait in my room I'll be back after getting my clothes from oppa."
"Hmm alright."
Jungkook side eyed Taehyung who was just glaring the ground and clenching his fist. He left the room without any word.
"Jeun I'm also coming to your room."
"Why?" She suddenly asked as if I was going to disturb something.
"'Why' you asked? Can't I ?"
"No no you can"

Jungkook and Jeun were studying while Taehyung was just deeply watching Jungkook without any word which was making Jungkook a little uncomfortable.
"Hyung will you stop?"
"What am I doing? I'm just watching my phone."
"You know very well what you are doing . You know what? I'm leaving. Jeun we'll continue this later."
"But Jungkook what happened?"
"Nothing Jeun I'm just tired."
"But Jungkook if I'm teaching you, you should respect that and stay until this topic gets completed."
"But I don't feel like it and why are you so serious about it ahhhnnn leave it. "

He left them after shutting the door harshly.

Ding dong

"Ahh hello Aunt , has Jungkook slept already?"
"No , he just went in his room after eating dinner."
"Ahh thankyou aunt."

"Hah!" Taehyung sighed standing in front of Jungkook's room's door.
"Knock! Knock!", he said a little cheered that he'll get a reply.
"Who's there?" A reply came from inside.
"I eat mop!", he cheerfully replied.
"I eat mop who?"
"You eat your poo? Eww gross!"

"Hyung that was bad, not gonna open", he shouted a little irritated.
"Hahha okay alright again! Knock knock?"
"Who's there?"
"Honeydew who?"
"Honeydew know how much I love you?"

"Hahahah" Jungkook smiled on this, approached the door and opened it for Taehyung.
"Hyung you sure know how to make up with someone."
"Well I also know how to flirt with someone."
"Haha sure now will you sir?" He gestured him to enter the room.
"Hmm so tell me are you mad at me?"
"Ahh, I was, but now a little I guess because you came."
"Then it's alright and sorry for whatever I did , you see I got a little bit angry."
"But why hyung?"
"Well it's a long story", he said while laying on the bed.
"And we have the whole night," Jungkook said while lying beside Taehyung.

"Haha right! So you know ever since my cousin came I feel a little conscious, I don't know why but I feel so small in front of her. She is beautiful and smart but I feel everything is taken away from me and given to her. I can't tell you how but understand it yourself and yeah I thought you were also going to be taken away from me ."
He said the last words while slowly ruffling his hair.

Jungkook took his hand and caressed it to make him assure that he is not going anywhere. "Hyung, don't feel like this , you were my hyung and you will remain my hyung forever. No Jeun can take away that from you."
"Hmmm sure" , he lovingly appreciated his face with love filled eyes as Jungkook just stared at his face with care.

"Now give me your shoulder I'm gonna sleep here . "
"Sure hyung", he pulled Taehyung's head on his shoulder and started caressing his sides to make him feel at ease.
How I'm going to tell you hyung what I'm hiding now?

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