(☉。☉)!→ 13

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I was going to get ready when my phone vibrated, I ignored it and went to take a bath. Soon our practicals are going to be held and see those science students have already started having practicals.

Jungkook understood the topic within half an hour? Hmmm well that was fast.

"May he do well in his practical today.
Well today we have evening classes so let's have some fun at Jimin's house."

I got out of the bathroom and decided to call Jimin. But when I saw my phone, it was already filled with Jimin's missed calls. I called him while ruffling my wet hair in the mirror.

"Hey Jimin , sorry man I was taking a shower, so I didn't pick up your calls. So how about watching a movie? I'm coming at your place. Hey Jimin?Speak something! Why are you silent?"

"Ahhh taehyunga sorry I didn't tell you this earlier."

"What happened?"

"Last night I got into an accident and my half of the face is covered in white stripes."

"What? Why didn't you tell me earlier? How did it happened? No we'll talk about this later, I'm coming you idiot."

I hung up the call and quickly started packing my stuffs .

"Mom I need to stay at Jimin's house for sometime."

"Why baby? What happened?"

"He got into an accident last night and you know already his mom and dad are out of town. I need to take care of him."

"Ohh baby okay alright go take care of him and I'll also come in the evening to check on him . And is he alright now?"

"I don't know but I'll tell you when I'll meet him ."

I reached at his house and rang his bell. I could only hear some hard heavy footsteps.

"Oh god Jimin are you alright? Can you walk?"

"Yeah tae I'm coming."

"Ok take it slow." I said it calmly but deep inside I was nervous of what I'm going to see.

The door opened and there I saw my Jimin all wrapped in white strips. His right leg and arm was wrapped and his right side of face was also covered. His one eye was alright but the other one was covered so I was not able to figure out if it was alright or not. He was standing with a stick's help and I could bet it was really painful for him to come towards the gates. He was smiling at me while addressing me to come in like nothing happened.

All this made my eyes wet and I don't know when little droplets of tear started falling from my eyes.

"Yaaaa jimini what is this ? It's so sad to see you like this. Why did it even happen?" I held him in my arms careful enough to not hurt him.

"Hahahah it's alright Taehyung, I'm fine now. Now stop crying and come inside."

I held him on my shoulder and we carefully went to his room.

"Did you tell Mom dad?"

"No they'll beat me to fuvk"

"Shut up you deserve to get beaten that you can't even take care of yourself."

"Hahahah, I know, but I don't want them to get worried. I'll tell them when I'll get better ."

"Alright and I'm staying here with you. And how did it even happen?"

"Well I was out last night and coming back from the party. It was all dark on that road and then some car came from the front and lost its balance . It came straight into my bike and that's how I ended up like this."

"That car driver deserves to get rot in hell."

"Hahah no, no, Taehyung, they actually helped me ."

"Ahhh thank God otherwise I would have cursed them more brutally. I can't even imagine you being in that situation... Ahhh I wanna cry , I want to be with you in that time , I wanna help you at that time."

"Taehyung I'm alright now, the doctor said that my face will be fine and will not get any after scars. I just need to take rest, and he'll come to do the medicine and changing bandages."

"Then it's alright but I'm staying here with you ."

"Ok alright how can I not listen to my bitch?"

"Yaa you bitchy idiot you actually scared me to hell and please tell me right after anything happens to you."

"Hahha yeah my taebaby."

We spent the rest of the time together and self-studied for the practicals as well. Mom came in the evening with some fruits and a bouquet of flowers . She made us food and helped in the other chores of the house. It was getting late so mother went back after telling us to take care of each other which we know very well.

"Jimin practicals are going to be held soon, how are you going to take them?"

"Yaaa I'll get better till that time so don't think that Oki ? I'm strong from inside."

"Ya I trust you ."

"And bitch how's your neighbor crush?"

"Ahhh don't talk about him , he's unbelievable. Ohhh and today I touched his abs and chest and damn I can still feel that hard mass covered with soft skin."

"Yaaa don't get so into it, I'm going to get a boner . Well man I can say you're lucky."

"Babes, I'm clever, I manipulated him, he wanted Jeun to teach him and I made a deal to let me touch his abs for helping him."

"Hahaha he's cute though and sexy as well and what is this Jeun doing in all this?"

"Ohhh that?" And I told him everything what I felt and what I'm feeling and what I think is going to happen.

"And that's why I think they both are going to be in a relationship soon. I'm sure they are not in any relationship right now but they will and I can see in their eyes."

A"nd you're unhappy about that, right?"

"Yeah I don't know how to feel but somewhere it hurts."

"Hmmm I think you want him and now that Jeun has come so you're feeling that he's going to get away from you. Babes now is the time when you should take a step . If you'll always be quiet and just flirt with him, he'll get taken away and you won't be able to do anything. If you want him then get him, even if it's just for a day at least say that you like him."

I was in deep thinking but I shrugged this feeling, "hah whatever I'll think about it later let's just sleep for now, I'm tired after studying so much."

"Haha alright sleep well and think about what I said okay?"

"Yeah jimini."

{ Hi! I'm back all healthy, I've heard you met Fox, he's my friend give him love as well, oink oink}

[ Oh and he doesn't eat me, he's a loyal friend. Thanks for feeding me ♥️]

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