(❤️?・・)σ 11

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We all were ready to go for a movie and I was a little bit confused that if I would even be able to enjoy this or not. I decided to dress all black with a dark green jacket . Jeun was also looking fine with her damaged jeans and tank top.

I was waiting for Jungkook and his brother while Jeun was in her room getting her makeup done.

I was scrolling through the social media when I realized someone came , it must be them.

Jungkook saw Taehyung sitting on the sofa watching his phone. Jungkook sat in front of him and Taehyung said while his eyes still stick to his phone, "ohh you guys came? Sit while Jeun comes after doing her make up."

Taehyung was so engrossed in his game that he forgot to see that only Jungkook came, and he was deeply staring at him.

"Kim Taehyung!"

Taehyung stopped and shot his eyes up to see Jungkook smirking at him, "ahhh Jungkook you're here where's baek?"

Taehyung stood and was trying to avoid glances of him. Jungkook held his hand and made him sit on the sofa again, "are you avoiding me hyung?"

"Ahhh no why would I ?"

"Then why are you not seeing me in the eyes?"

"It's not like that, see I'm seeing", Taehyung started in Jungkook's eyes which were seeing through his soul and he couldn't hold for more than five seconds and again diverted his gaze .

"See you averted your gaze!"
"That kiss in my dream that I was talking about, it was true right ?"

"No you yourself said you dreamed about that kiss."

"Then why your lips were swollen and why it still has that red mark?" Jungkook said smirking and was trying to catch his eyes.

"Ahhh....." Taehyung was blank for a while when suddenly Jungkook's little brother and his friend came in .

"Ohhhh Baek ! Who is he?" Taehyung asked getting away from Jungkook who just sighed and rested back on the sofa.

"Ohh he's my friend and I thought I'd surely get bored with you adults so I bought one of my friends."

"Hmmm true though hehe let's go now?"


"Ohhh Jeun is here as well"

We all went in the car which Jungkook obviously borrowed from his dad. We booked five seats in the cinema hall and Baek and his friend got their first. Now we three had to think who'll sit with whom.

Jungkook just sat on the last seat without thinking so we ended up like Jungkook-Jeun-Taehyung- Jungbaek-his friend.

Half of the movie went simply enjoying it but with a little sadness whenever I saw Jeun leaning towards him to say something in his ear. I was frustrated so I went straight out of the theater to buy some food during the interval . I came back with burgers, fries and coke for the kids as well.

After I came Jeun went to buy some for her.

"Hyung give me as well"

"Jungkook go and buy yours"

"But I'm tired please one bite?"


He went after Jeun with a sigh and sad face.

Only a minute passed, he came back and sat beside me with his food.

"How did you come so early? Even before Jeun?"

"Ahm I took Jeun's food , she's ordering another one for her."

"Wahh seriously?"

He smiled and started eating his food lovingly.

Jeun came and sat beside Jungkook. Now they both have switched their seats .

The movie again started , I was trying my best to avoid him during the remaining movie and he also noticed that I'm not talking with him well. I glanced over and saw his face was all serious.

Huh? Isn't the movie comedy genre? Then why he's having a straight face?
Wait a minute! Did I see someone's hand on his jeans ? Ahh it's Jeun .

I saw her and her expression was also straight.
Ahhh fuck off I'm here to enjoy the movie.

I concentrated on the movie but soon enough I felt something on me. My body perked up on the sudden touch and when I landed my eyes down , I saw Jungkook's hand circling my thighs . I stared at him but he was watching a movie. His hand continued doing their stuff on my thighs to which I was feeling uneasy.

"I'm going outside, come when the movie ends." I said to the kids while removing Jungkook's hand and went straight to the washroom.

"Damn Jungkook why are you doing this to me?" , I was trying to suppress my moans while caressing my stood up thing. I was seriously cursing him for what he did to me.

"Ahhh I can't even jack off properly like this. It's not my thing to do it in a restroom stall." I sprayed cold water on it to suppress my burning desires.
And after a few more minutes I came out with a sigh and there I saw him smirking playfully.

"Ahhh hyung movie has ended already, they are waiting for you outside."

I was going to ask him why did he do that but the moment I opened my mouth , he neared towards me and whispered in my ears, "Remember 8th standard?"

I was shocked , what does he wanna say ?

He backed off with a smile, leaving me dumbfounded.

I saw my pinkish dust on my cheeks in the mirror and that's when my blood boiled , "So you're teasing me huh? But you forgot who am I ?" I said with an evil grin.

I got back to the group and saw Jungkook looking somewhere else to avoid gazes with me.

"So guys where do you wanna go next?"

"Hyung I saw that haunted house on the 3rd floor (in mall)", Jungbaek said.

"No Baek it's not that good ,I've gone there it's normal. Why not we go to that 10D virtual reality movie theater?" His friend suggested.

"Hmmm I like it let's go there! Jeun you're cool with it right?"

"Yeah of course oppa I'm cool."

We headed towards that theater and surprisingly it was empty coz it was not busy hours. We all chose the seats we wanted and the coordinator positioned us accordingly and had a smirk on his face while pairing we three together. The two kids were far away from us and Jungkook was in the middle of me and Jeun.

We paid for half hour and it was really so realistic and amazing that it felt like I was in that dinosaur adventure movie but in the middle of the movie I heard Jungkook whispering my name.

"Taehyung! Hyung!"

"What Jungkook?"

Through the light smashing from the screen I saw Jungkook smirking in the dark.

"Hyung ! Give me a kiss?"

"What? What are you saying? Just enjoy this!"

"Nah it's too boring for me and see there's no one and it's dark please!"

"Don't please again Jungkook"
I don't know why I can't deny his please.

"Hyung, please, just one kiss?"


"Please please?" He slipped his hand on my thighs. I flinched on his touch and it was also getting irritating for me due to his pleadings.

"Jungkook stop or I'll never talk to you!"

"Ok alright I'll just ask for one from Jeun." Jungkook rotated his towards the other side but I don't know from where a sudden force made me pull his face back towards me, reducing the space between us. I kissed him for a sec to silent him, leaving with a suck on his bottom lip and I softly said, "you are mine and I won't allow you two to kiss."

He shockingly watched me getting back to enjoying the rest of the movie. I knew these sudden moments always put his pleading to end.

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