Enjolras ~ Run Away With Me

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You blinked. "What?"

"Just for this weekend, right before classes. Y'know, just one last moment of peace before we have to subject ourselves to tests and note-taking. Just, run away with me for the weekend."

A road trip? Now? You weren't complaining though, you had always wanted to go on a spontaneous trip of sorts. And who better to do it than with your best friend?

You grinned after mulling it over for a moment.

"Yeah, why not? Let's go have some fun. What do I pack?"

"I was thinking we spend some time downtown, get familiar with the area. So...casual clothing? It's a two day trip; we're spending tonight and all of Saturday there and driving back on Sunday."

You clapped gleefully. "Spontaneous road trip, here we come!"

Half an hour later, you and Enjolras had checked into a small inn above a cozy cafe, set your things down in the room, and dashed back out again just in time to see the pretty lanterns strung up all along the street light up and illuminate the streets.

"It's so beautiful." you whispered. For someone who was a talkative person, you were at a loss for words.

Enjolras thought the lights illuminated you in just the right ways. Your eyes shone with awe and wonder as you made your way through the streets with wide eyes. He smiled with you, wishing the moment would last. Every day he fell deeper and deeper in love with you.

You held his hand at one point when you passed through a crowd; Enjolras was sure that he was as red as his hoodie when he felt your hand wrap around his.

"So we don't lose each other in the crowd." you had explained with a shrug.

But when you passed through the crowd and there were less people around, you didn't let go of his hand. (Not that he minded, of course.)


"You okay?" you asked him when he hadn't said anything for a while.

Was he always that adorable?

"Yeah, I'm good." he replied quickly.


Maybe he...

You spotted a bookshop at the corner and your thoughts were momentarily scattered. 

"Hey, that looks like a good place to spend some time. It's getting late, but we should definitely head there before we leave."

"Yeah. Maybe before we leave on Sunday?"

You nodded, a smile on your face. "Come on, it's late. Let's go back; we can explore more tomorrow."

Saturday came and went and you couldn't believe how beautiful the sights were. You wished the day hadn't gone by so fast. You and Enjolras had done so many fun things, exploring town; you wished Sunday would come slower. The whole time you and Enjolras were in high school, you had just convinced yourself that you and Enjolras were just friends. Best friends, and that was it. But this trip...it made you realize how untrue that was. 

Enjolras was more than just a best friend to you.

Sunday came sooner than you wanted if you were going to be honest. Everything was so vibrant and lovely and full of life. It was almost as if you'd entered another planet. You would miss being not busy and having to worry about classes. You'd have to find some time during the school year to come down and revisit the shops.

"Kind of interesting that a place like this almost seems like a dream. Like I'm in a dream, and my mind's created all this...this...this beautiful world." Enjolras remarked as you sat outside the cafe after shopping at the bookstore.

"If my mind's created this, I think you're the best thing about it."

You froze at your words.

"Oh...sorry...just...forget I said anything."

Enjolras reached for your hand. "Hey. Look at me."

Your eyes went in any direction but his. "I'm happy you're here with me. I'm happy we're friends. I'm just so happy and thankful that I have someone like you in my life." you rambled. "I just--if--if you don't feel the same way, I understand--"

Enjolras took your other hand in his. You stopped talking, looking at him curiously.

"Abby, I love you." he said. "I had a whole thing planned, but now's a good time as any. You're just so bright and you make everyone's day so much better. I'm happy you're in my life."

A smile spread across your face as you looked down at your drink.

"I love you, too, Enjolras."

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