Marcus Rew

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A/N this has been sitting in my drafts half-done for so long and I'm so sorry you guys!! I really like it though. It was inspired by a text post where some new camper recognised Percy cause he like... blew up the science labs at his school or something and it's really bugging me that I can't find it so if you can please send it to me so I can set it as the chapter picture?? also love you guys

I had known I was a demigod for the past six years.

My mom told me, but it wasn't really that much of a surprise. I always knew I was unusual, so learning that my dad was Hermes, the god of messengers and thieves, didn't exactly scare me. But I only came to camp about a week ago, when a monster tried to attack me as I took my sister to school. I told my mom it was probably best for me to go where Addi wouldn't get hurt.

I made it to camp unscathed and without anything chasing me, which I got told was unusual. The fact that no satyr had noticed me or found me - even though there was one at my school - was even more unusual. So I made a lot of noise wherever I went.

Apparently, I wasn't the only one who made a bit of a splash around here.

I went down to the beach because I wanted somewhere I could run. The problem was there were two other people right in my path - a girl and a boy. The boy was standing in the waves, letting the water lap at his feet gently, and the girl was talking to him, saying something that got whisked away from me by the wind. There was just something about the boy that seemed awkwardly familiar. I watched them from a distance for a while, and clearly, someone up there liked me, because the wind shifted and I could finally hear their conversation.

"So he's a demigod too?" the boy was asking.

"Yeah. But Norse. Son of Frey?" the girl answered.

"What's she the goddess of?"

"He. And peace, rain, sunshine, harvest et cetera."

The boy raised his hand gently, and the waves around him rose slightly too. I shrunk back a bit but dismissed it. There was no way Poseidon had a kid.

"So like Apollo? A bit of everything?"

"He does have a twin sister."

The boy turned around and I got a good look at his face for the first time. He had dark hair and blue-green eyes and looked very confused.

"A lot of myths are connected, seaweed brain." the girl continued.

"So they're meant to be similar?"

"I don't think they're meant to be anything. But they might have similar roots. I don't know."

The seaweed-brain-kid started walking up the beach and sat down in front of her, pulling her closer and circling his arms around her waist.

"But you're my wise girl! You know everything!"

She laughed. "I don't, " she said, but kissed him anyway, "but it's cute that you think I do."

"There is one more thing I don't get though. He's dead?"

"Yeah. That part is very complicated."

"Don't mock me!" he muttered, sticking out his lower lip in a way that made him look vaguely reminiscent of a seal pup.

"I'm not mocking you! It really is confusing!"

"So when do I get to meet this cousin of yours, Annabeth?"

"Soon, Percy."

And that was when it hit me. Percy Jackson. Percy Jackson! I knew this guy! I jumped up from behind the rock I had used to hide behind and pumped my fist in the air. I must have made some sort of sound because Percy's head snapped towards me and his hand went into his pocket, like he was about to pull some sort of weapon out of it.

"Who's there?" he called.

I walked down the beach, my hands up by my head in mock surrender, desperately trying not to stumble over the sand.

"Chill, dude. My name's Marcus Rew, son of Hermes?"

Percy pressed his lips together and nodded slowly, pulling his hand back and lacing his fingers through Annabeth's.

"Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena, " she said, dropping her chin onto Percy's shoulder. "You're the new kid, right? The one none of the satyrs noticed."

I nodded, then flopped down onto the sand in front of them. "Aren't you Percy Jackson?" I asked him.

"Yup. Son of Poseidon, " (my eyes widened at that), "hero of Olympus, child of the great prophecy-"

"We went to Yancy together!"

He blinked at me, letting that same confused expression from earlier slide across his face. "We did?"

"Yeah? Mr Brunner's Latin class? I watched you throw Nancy Bobofit into the fountain at the field trip!"

Annabeth laughed. "You threw her? You didn't tell me that, seaweed brain!"

He turned to her, smiling softly. "Not quite threw, more like accidentally made a giant water fist with my then undiscovered powers and pulled her into the fountain with it."

She shook her head with fond exasperation, and I got the feeling it was something she did a lot. Then I remembered something else.

"Wait, " I said, and they both turned their heads towards me, "that scrawny kid you were friends with who got picked on all the time by Bobofit - was he a satyr?"

I had met my fair share of satyrs in my time, but my mom had told me they would insist on taking me to camp, so I had to ignore them. Percy being a child of the Big Three must have helped me in that respect if there were any at Yancy Academy.

"Yup. He's called Grover. He's my best friend." Percy's eyes lit up. "And you know Mr Brunner? He was actually Chiron in some sort of magic wheelchair!"

I stared at him. He smirked and nodded. "That's what I was like. Can't you see it now?"

I shook my head. "I haven't seen Mr Brunner for like... six years? I didn't exactly perfectly remember his face and think 'hey, he looks familiar!' when I met Chiron."

"Okay, that's fair."

The conversation lulled and Annabeth leaned over Percy's shoulder, looking right at me with her terrifying steel-grey eyes, her expression scrutinising and harsh.

"Would you help me prank your brothers?" she asked suddenly, those same terrifying grey eyes now twinkling with excitement


Percy just rolled his eyes and squeezed her hand gently, smiling at her the whole time.

Percabeth Versus Everyone Else!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora