James Westwood

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A/N jumping on the bandwagon here hehehe

"I'm serious man, there is no way he's telling the truth. He's just trying to get all those girls off his back."

"I dunno." Max said, "I don't think he's lying. He's got that photo in his locker and everything."

"Photoshop. Has to be."

"I don't think he's that good at it - and there's no way he has the attention span to edit a photo that well." He pointed out. I should clarify. We were talking about our friend, Percy Jackson. He insisted he had a girlfriend, but no one had ever seen her, and she supposedly went to school in San Francisco. I didn't exactly believe him, because the way he described her made it sound like she was some sort of goddess.

"What do we have next?" I asked Max, trying to pull the conversation away from the never-ending debate of the reality of Percy's girlfriend.

"English, with Mr Blofis." He answered, pulling his textbooks out of his locker.

"I don't think I have my-" He dropped a very heavy textbook into my hands. "Never mind." I said, turning around and heading to English. But then I did the most stereotypical High School Thing ever.

I smashed into a girl.

"I am so sorry!" I said, meeting her eyes. She pressed her lips together and shook her head, crouching down to pick up her stuff.

"It's fine," she was saying, "don't worry about it." I watched her as she unzipped her bag to push her stuff in. She was very tanned, with honey-blonde curls and stormy grey eyes. She was wearing skinny jeans and a loose white top, with a Goode letterman jacket wrapped around her waist.

"Uh, do I know you?" I asked as she stood up.

"Unlikely." she answered. "I'm a transfer student. I've just moved here." She paused briefly. "Actually, could you help me with something? Do you know Percy Jackson?" I scowled. She'd only just got here, and she was already obsessing over him?

"Really? Already? Come on, that's pathetic. What, did some of your friends tell you about him? Did you decide he's gonna be yours? Get over yourself." She looked at me like she couldn't believe what she was hearing. I stifled the urge to laugh at her.

"What's up?" asked Max, sliding over.
"Newbie already looking to join the Jackson Fanclub." The girl smiled a bit, but her gaze was still harsh.

"Wow. Okay. That's not what I-"

"Who's this?" It was Jess this time, throwing her arms around us as she skidded to a halt. Her dark hair was loose around her face but she was still in her sports kit.

"Some new kid already obsessed with Percy." I explained. The girl was smiling again, and it kind of unsettled me. I looked over at Jess to see her expression harden - I had forgotten about this. Jess had had a hardcore crush on Percy for two months.

"Let's get this out of the way." She started. "Percy doesn't date. He says he has a girlfriend. He doesn't. There is absolutely no point in asking him, he'll just turn you down. And we all think it's pathetic." She glared at the new girl, who just shook her head.

"I owe Piper ten bucks." she said to herself.

"Who?" came a new voice. I glanced over my shoulder to see Percy joining the huddle too. He was staring at his timetable, trying to piece it together. When he looked up, he froze. Then smiled. "You didn't tell me you were coming!" he said quietly.

"Surprise?" the girl answered. Percy surged forward, picking her up and spinning her around as she protested, playfully hitting his shoulders with her fists. When he did put her down, they kissed. Jess looked away in disgust.

"Uh guys," Percy said, smiling, "this is Annabeth. My girlfriend." We all muttered awkward hellos back, and Annabeth looked like she was trying to not to laugh.

"No!" Jess burst out. "You were supposed to be mine! We were partners on that Latin project! I was gonna yet you to finally kiss me! I'm meant to be your girlfriend, not her!" She sprinted off down the hallway, but no one followed her, and the group settled into an uncomfortable silence.

"Oh!" Annabeth said suddenly, pulling the jacket away from her waist. She handed it to Percy. "You left this at camp - I stopped by on the way here. Rachel managed to save it from the harpies." Harpies? I thought. Must be some weird nickname.

"Wait. Rachel as in Rachel Dare?" Max asked. Annabeth nodded. "You're friends with her?" Annabeth nodded again, but Percy laughed.

"You used to hate each other! She stole your glory in the labyrinth."

"That is not why we didn't get along. I couldn't care less about that! It was because she was so obviously into you and you were so oblivious."

"I am not oblivious!" he argued.

"Rachel. Nico. Me. All three of us were travelling with you at one point. We all liked you. And you," she poked his arm, "did not work it out."

"Is that why?" he teased. "I thought it was because she kissed me first."

"She did not!"

"Okay, fair," Percy said, steering her around and towards the English classroom, "but that was only because I was about to explode." They walked off together, still arguing about something. Max and I stared at each other briefly before his eyes widened.

"Did he say explode?" he asked. I nodded slowly. Max took off running after Percy and Annabeth, yelling at them to wait up. I sighed, shook my head, and turned around to find Jess, slamming Max's locker shut on the way.

Percabeth Versus Everyone Else!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora