Alex Jay

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A/N sorry for the hiatus!! I think it was for two weeks but like... I've completely lost my sense of the passage of time. I've just got loads of school work but now I'm pretty much caught up, so...

I guess I should have been listening to Matt while he was going on and on about his date last night, but I really couldn't be bothered. I didn't keep him around to talk about his dates. I kept him around cause he was strong, and he would happily beat up the idiots who refused to move out of my way in the halls. That was it.

There was another reason I was ignoring him, though, other than superiority. I was staring at Annabeth.

She's actually gorgeous. She has this really beautiful curly blonde hair and these gorgeous stormy grey eyes, and she's insanely strong, for a girl. Every single boy in school has asked her out, and she's turned down every one of them. She always says something about a boyfriend in New York, but it's obvious she's lying. It's a cover for the real reason she turns them down. She clearly has a crush on me! I'm the only person who hasn't asked her out, she's just waiting for me to do it. I have the perfect plan-it'll be so memorable that we'll talk about it on our wedding day.

I don't plan on getting married, but if Annabeth wants it, I'm fine with it. She seems like she'd be a good housewife.

It's going to happen at the end of the day. And she was going to love it. I just had to wait until the end of math.

"Come on, AJ! Listen to me for once!" Matt protested. I rolled my eyes and ignored him.

Yeah. Doesn't it make sense that I wasn't listening to Matt now?

Math went by really slowly. In fact, I'm pretty convinced that somehow Dr Terry found out about my plans and decided to make math go on as long as they physically could just to derail it. When they finally let us leave, it felt like we'd been in there for three hours. But it was fine. Everything was still running just about on time.

I saw Annabeth at the end of the hallway, neatly stacking her books back in her locker. She looked so perfect. Honestly, who actually has a tidy locker? I walked up behind her with a bouquet of flowers in my hand and a heart-shaped box of chocolates. I carefully balanced them together and tapped her on the shoulder. She spun around and frowned at me. She must not have noticed the flowers. She opened her mouth to speak, but then the band started playing.

I say the band. They were really a group of idiotic nerds who were too scared of me to say anything when I told them what to play. Just the way I like it.

I looked at Annabeth, smiling and holding out the chocolates as they marched towards us. She still looked angry, though. I had no clue why. She literally had a crush on me. So did every girl in school! She was lucky to actually get my attention. The rest of them could only dream of ever getting real happiness with someone like me. Not that any of them were cute enough to deserve that.

When the band finally stopped playing their love song, Matt unfurled a banner that I'd made my step-sister paint last night. It said, 'Annabeth, will you go on a date with me?' in big, red letters. I figured red was her favourite colour.

"Annabeth!" I said, in as loud a voice as I could manage. "Will you go out with me tonight?"

I'm pretty sure I saw a freshman swoon in the corner of my eye, but I ignored her. I wasn't going to ruin my current chivalrous image by abandoning Annabeth to catch her!

I met Annabeth's eyes only to be greeted with barely hidden anger. She grabbed me by the arm and dragged me into a nearby classroom. There were a few whistles and 'Oooooh's. I shut the door behind us and she grabbed the chocolates out of my hand and threw them on the floor.

"What the Hades do you think you're playing at?" she shouted.

I stared at her, my eyes wide in disbelief. "I'm asking you out! Because you like me?"

She laughed harshly. "Because I like you? That's- that's ridiculous? What on earth made you think that?"

"Um, I don't know, maybe the fact that you turned down every other boy in school?"

"Because I have a boyfriend! Like I told every single one of them."

I rolled my eyes. "Please! Some mystery guy in New York? That's so fake! What does he even look like?"

"Dark hair, sea-green eyes, muscular. Handsome. You get the gist."

That was when it hit me. Annabeth actually didn't like me. But I needed her to fall head over heels for me, otherwise I would be laughed out of school! Luckily I knew just what I needed to do.

I took hold of her wrists and kissed her.

"Hey, Annabeth? Someone said you were in here-"

Then I felt two really strong hands grab my shoulders and shove me against a wall. I stared into two sea-green eyes and a head of dark hair and-


This guy.

Annabeth was breathing heavily and a girl I'd never seen before was standing next to her. She had dark choppy hair, thrown into a brain with a feather neatly tucked inside it. Annabeth kept whispering "I'm fine, Piper, really. I'm fine."

Standing next to Annabeth's boyfriend was a short girl, with dark curly hair and golden eyes. She looked really mad. "What the Hades do you think you're doing?" she yelled. I had literally never heard that phrase before in my life, and here I was having it yelled at me for the second time today.

"Never. Touch. Annabeth. Again, " the guy growled at me. Then he dropped his arm and shoved me out the room. All I caught sight of was him kissing Annabeth whilst the two girls and three other guys I hadn't noticed awkwardly looked anywhere but them. I decided then and there that I really hated that guy.

A/N credit for this idea goes to ddfbfbfbfb it was really fun to write - send more requests please guys!! I love to write them! ALSO WE HIT 10K THA K YOU SO MUCH THIS ACTUALLY MEANS SO MUCH TO ME if you guys have any requests for a 10k special, please comment them or dm me! Don't remember to vote and comment eek love you all

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