Talk to your child

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Coleen tried out her old dresses for a Christmas party the next day. She showed her parents the dress that she really liked and asked for their opinion.

"Is this ok?" Coleen asked her dad.
"Yes that's fine, just wear your trenchcoat over it" replied Victor

Coleen content with the answer turned her back and was already on the corridor to her room when she heard her parents fighting about something.

"Tell your daughter that she needs to take care of her body! She keeps getting bigger and bigger! Why am I always the only one who tells her that she is getting larger and larger everytime" She heard her outraged dad say to her mother.

Coleen didn't even wait for her mother's response. She kept walking towards her room. She shut her door, and when she spun her eyes landed directly on the mirror. She scanned herself, thinking unpleasant thoughts about her figure. A teardrop visible on her face, rilled down her cheek and unto her dress, leaving a stain.

The whole night Coleen kept stirring on her bed, she couldn't sleep. The thoughts that occupied her brain was all about how fat and ugly she was. She knew that it wasn't her dad's exact words, but because of her already low self-esteem, her mind seemed to have formed poor ideas about herself.

No one likes her
No one will ever love her
No one will care

All these thoughts just circling her head.

Fat GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora