"Oh yeah? And what are you apologizing for? For cheating on her, for ditching her on numerous occasions, for not sleeping at home, for lying to her over and over again, or for bringing Suzanne into her bedroom? Which one buddy? Because just one of those things isn't something someone would forgive you for just like that, but you, my man, have a list of them. You are a total screw up man. I know how women think, if she did not lose the baby, she would have forgiven you, but right now, I am sorry dude." he said laughing. He was right though, I am a total screw up. Now that he listed all the bad things I did, I saw my chances of winning her back even slimmer than ever before. "I don't know Nathan, and stop with the interrogations," I said getting annoyed by all the questions.

"Where were you anyway? That day when she was calling you when she wasn't feeling well?" he asked again as if he didn't hear me when I said no more questions. Nathan will not stop asking until he gets his answers, I know that about him. I had to deal with that since middle school, where we first met. He was a new kid and I defended him from bullies. We have been buddies ever since and now that buddy asks too many annoying questions.

"I was with Suzanne." I stooped after I heard a sigh, but I ignored and continued, "Her husband showed up to take her back home. Turns out she was married, their marriage was not going well, so they decided to take some time apart. Looks like the time apart is now over." I said. I didn't realize that story was stupid and embarrassing until I said it. I heard Nathan laugh. "So she came here, ruined your marriage, and decided to go back with her husband? And it's right when your marriage is beyond repair? Looks like she was taking revenge on you." he said still laughing at me.

I hate him at times. "Can we not talk to Suzanne right now? My mind is on finding my wife right now. I need to find her and I need your help. I need to see her." I said seriously. He just looked at me without listening. Annie and Laura are coming down the stairs when I heard a reply coming from the door. "I am right here, you have seen me. Are you happy now?" Liz said standing by the door. I don't know when she got there or how much she heard. Laura was the first to run to her shouting 'mom' and hugging her. I wanted to go to her, but I know she is still hurt so I just stood my ground. Nathan went to her and hugged her.

"How are you doing Liz?" he asked. "I am hanging in there Nate. What else can I do," she replied smiling. I don't remember when was the last time I saw her smile. I am the biggest fool of all time. "So, you back home?" he asked.
"No, I am just here to pick my things. This place is not my home anymore, it's a hell hole. Too many bad memories here." She said. Not even once did she look my direction. She and Annie walked hand in hand up the stairs. I tried to call follow but Nathan stopped me by blocking my way.

Liz's POV

" I am right here, you have seen me now. Are you happy now? "I said to Evan after standing at the door for a long time just listening to their conversation. Evan sounded remorseful, but after I heard that he was with Suzanne that day, I was crushed. So he is looking for me because Suzanne went back with her husband? That sounded like I was an option after others didn't go right for him. A part of me wanted to turn and go back, but I have to stop running away from my problems.

Laura ran into my arms as if we didn't spend the whole of yesterday together. I had a small talk with Nathan then Annie and I headed upstairs. I needed my things. "We came looking for you after we heard what happened. Turns out you weren't here. I am sorry about what happened." Annie said while folding one of my dresses. "It's alright Annie. It's life right, I just have to accept it and move on." I said lying right through my teeth. I didn't want to cry anymore, I have already cried too many times.

"So where to now?" she asked. I didn't lie to her, I told her that even I didn't know where to go next. Growing up I thought after marriage, all you have to do is maintain the relationship till death do us part, but there's an option where that relationship comes to an end. Just like mine did. I never thought that would happen to me though like Erastus said, I plan my life to the very last second that I thought after I got married, then I just get to live my life. "You know you were another reason why I was so happy to be pregnant you know, so I ask you this and that, but now I don't know. I am sorry. I know saying sorry doesn't help much, but if you ever need anything, don't hesitate to call me or Nathan." she said. I am thanked her and we finished packing. I didn't take everything with me because I have no permanent residence yet and I can't just move into Erastus' house forever.

I walked out of my room, but I found myself turning around and heading towards the other room which my friends turned into the baby's room. I opened the door and looked around at all the stuffed animals, the little crib, and everything in the. I started to cry again. I have forgotten about this room this whole time and I am sure Evan doesn't know anything about it or he would have at least gotten rid of the things. Nit that he is considerate or thoughtful anyway. This room is a reminder of what I have lost and just standing in it makes me feel worse.

I started crying and Annie just stood there without trying to console me. I wanted to cry it all out and make sure the next time I step foot into this house if I ever do, this room will not affect me in any way. Annie took tissues from her handbag and gave them to me. I closed the door, wiped my tears, and headed downstairs. Evan and Nathan were still talking about whatever they are talking about. I walked by, stood in front of Evan, and said, "My lawyer will send you the divorce papers once I have signed them. I know I own 50% of this house, I signed that over to Laura. Anything else we own together, you can have it." I said.

"That's it? We are not going to talk about this?" Evan asked. Annie and Nathan left the room, to give us space I guess. "Talk about what? What is there to talk about? I used to talk, but I never got through to you, so what makes you think that you will get through to me?" I asked sitting down. I am so having this conversation right now because I might never see him again after the divorce has been finalized. "There is something to talk about. Our marriage is not over and I am trying to save it. I will not be signing those divorce papers." he said.

"Really? So now you want to save our marriage? After everything you have done, you think I am going to give you another chance? I am not that dumb. Some things cannot be fixed once broken, and our marriage is at the top of that list. Why now? Because your so-called first love went back to her husband? If I give you another chance I will have to worry that your second love will show up and history will repeat itself and you will ask for your 12th chance. I am sorry but I will pass." I said.

A part of felt like laughing at the look he had on his face. It was priceless. "You are my second love and .... " I interrupted him before he could continue. "I am sure that's true, I believe you. I will always come second in your life." I said.
"Liz please, a chance is all I ask, I know I messed up, but I learned from it. I can't afford to lose you, my love, because if I do, I will be a nobody, and I will lose my daughter as well. Laura hates me now, and my daughter is my whole world." he said. I know he meant every word but I just couldn't believe anything he says. Here he is telling me how his daughter is his whole world when not too long ago he wanted the principal to suspend her. How fatherly of him.

I took the vase that was at the table, removed the daisies in it, and dropped it on the floor. It broke. I picked up those pieces over and over again and broke them into even smaller pieces. The noise of the vase breaking brought Nathan and Annie back. "You see these pieces, Evan? That's how I am right now. That's how I feel right now. Every time I broke that vase into tinier pieces is exactly what you did every time you lied to my face and cheated on me. You broke me Evan and you took everything from me. Each and everything, and you just had to take my baby as well. So you are asking for another chance for what? To break my heart again and to lie to me again? I have nothing to offer anymore, you took everything from me. All 7 years of my life I spent on you and with you meant nothing to you the moment Suzanne showed up and now that she is not here you realize I was still another open option? No way am I going to fall for that ever again. I am choosing myself and I am living my life however I want as long as I am happy. Whether you sign the papers or not I am not staying under the same roof as you, so get that through your head. I curse the day I ever met you." I said picking up my bag and heading for the door.

I turned to look at him one last time before saying, "If you can put that vase back together then I am sure our marriage can also be saved. Do let me know if you manage to fix it. You might want to start now though before I move on because time is ticking." I gave him a very wicked smile and left the house.

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