18| You're My Wonderwall

Start from the beginning

The entire building reeked of old money and rancid capitalism, but apart from that, I could appreciate that it was rather pretty. It wasn't my style, but it sure beat my two bed apartment with Adam, where damp mould gathered on the ceilings, any day of the week.

Luca dropped the bags he was carrying in the foyer and instructed me to follow him into the kitchen, explaining that the maid would take them up to my quarters. I tried to insist that it was unnecessary as I could easily take them up myself, but he wouldn't hear of it. Still, I didn't drop my shopping, preferring to do my own dirty work rather than make someone else do it for me. Hell knows I'd been cleaning up after other people for long enough to ensure I wouldn't make anyone else do it now.

As we turned into the kitchen, we were both met with two surprised sets of eyes. "You planning on opening up your own clothing store while you're here?" Lewis spoke up from the kitchen, where he was perched on a black leather stool, his feet propped up on the work surface and a beer clenched in his right hand. I shot him a scowl.

"I might as well spend some of this money, hence the bags." I gave a tilt of my head before pointing a warning index finger in his direction, "And if any of you have a problem with it, then you can very well come and bite my perky lil' ass."

"I'll consider taking you up on that offer, sweet cheeks. Although, I have to admit you're not my usual type." Lewis drawled with a callous smile.


"Lewis, play nice." Luca quipped from his place across the room where he had slipped in beside Jax, both of them glaring at a laptop screen with so much vexation one would assume it was about to jump up and give them both a slap.

I set down the bags filled with clothing. To be fair to myself, I hadn't gone too crazy, but upon passing Victoria's Secret I couldn't help but take advantage of the sale. It would be rude not to. Especially when buying such dainty lingerie used to be such a rare treat, and yet now I could easily do daily shopping trips in my favourite stores without running out of credit.

"What's got you two so feral?" I asked upon joining them at the kitchen table, my eyes scanning over the map on Jax's laptop that they were currently both giving the evil eye to.

"Like you'd seriously be able to help us map out our route, party princess. Stick to the makeup and clothes for now, yeah?" Lewis gave me a sickly sweet smile and I refrained myself from picking up the lampshade beside me and chucking it at his big head. For the life of me, I couldn't remember what I'd done to land myself top spot on his shit list.

"Careful, she's a newbie and most likely stronger than you right now. Don't make enemies you can't fight. " Jax warned, his mouth lifting as she shot me an apologetic smile on behalf of Lewis' crude behaviour. "Or at least fights you can't win."

"Actually," I dragged out each syllable with a sharp look in Lewis' direction, "I did A level Geography, so who knows, maybe I can offer some help here?" It was a shy question and I felt almost silly for even asking when they probably wouldn't need my help. Since when did I start defending myself and acting all timid?

"Actually your help would be great-" Luca was cut short by Lewis who seemed to have a severe stick up his ass this afternoon.

"What did you get at A level, let me guess- a big D?" The second Lewis' crude and quite frankly insulting innuendo left his mouth, I was across the room in seconds. Grabbing a particularly sharp knife off the kitchen counter, I shot across the room and had him pinned down beneath me in matter of milliseconds.

Deal with the Devil (18+)Where stories live. Discover now