Ren: My cold can wait. This is important. It needs to be addressed today.

Yusuke: You seem nervous...

Ryuji: Maybe it's the fever? You really should just rest buddy..

Makoto: I don't think we should take Ren's words lightly. Is right after school okay?

Futaba: Makoto's right. I've been watching him periodically all day, he is on edge for a reason.

Akechi: I am the source of the intel, and I side with Ren. This is extremely serious.

Ann: I'm already getting anxious...

Haru: Ren, if you're feeling okay enough to have us over, I'll be there as soon as school is done.

Ann: We'll take the train with you Haru. Makoto, Ryuji, let's meet at the gate after school.

Makoto: You got it

Ryuji: I second that!

Yusuke: I'll make my way over there once I'm done my lessons as well.

Futaba: Mona and I will be waiting at the door for you guys!

Akechi: See you there.

Once the chat calmed down, I sighed and stood up.

"Haha. Maybe all those surprise kisses I gave him really did give him my cold..." I chuckled to myself, then headed inside. I guess this was my excuse to finally get out of my pajamas.



I watched Ryuji fume from his corner of the attic. The group had only just arrived, and this was already turning out to be a hassle.

"So you're saying if we don't make a move, the Japanese police department could most likely have atleast one of us I.D'd within 3 weeks?"

Makoto looked to me as I stood leaning against the wall near the window. I glanced her way and nodded.

"Sae has been gaining traction on the investigation. Most likely because she's been using corrupt methods."

Ryuji began stomping around again.


Ann sighed nervously.

"I-if we get found out..we're done for.."

Just as I had guessed, the group was starting to get anxious. I had to make sure my acting was on point for this conversation.

I frowned and looked to Ryuji.

"Did you happen to use gloves when making these cards?"

Skull pouted.

"It never...crossed my mind...."

Yusuke put his hand to his face in frustration.

"Even when I was making the Phantom Thieves Logo, I failed to realise that having my fingerprints on something so political could be such an implication..."

The group went silent. A soft coughing could be heard from the couch.

" said she's been....using...corrupt methods?"

Ren quietly questioned me from his place on the sofa by the tv. He was wrapped in a blanket and donned flushed cheeks and bleary eyes.

Even still, his face was determined to stay focused, despite his fever clearly escalating.

Dark Sun: A Goro Akechi x Amamiya Ren Romance (Persona 5/Royal)Where stories live. Discover now