14: Manipulation

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(Just a note! Some of the dialogue in the below chapter will definitely differ from the true dialogue in the games!

But it will all make sense in the end
:3 )


(Ren's P.O.V)

I'd never done something so intimate with another person before.

I couldn't lie. It felt great.

But I'd done it with one of the most complicated people I knew.

"Now I've got you right where I want you.."

It was such a veiled threat, I couldn't fathom if it was just a pillow talk joke, or if it was something much more serious.

No matter how many times we were alone together, he continued to confuse me. How would this play out as we dealt with more and more Palaces? Could I trust him as a colleague, knowing full well that his words were possibly loaded?

He chases textbook justice. I chase vigilante justice. Our paths are as parallel as can be. Whether I like it or not, we truly are rivals.

Maybe this is destined not to work. Maybe I really am the fool.


It's a waste for me not to try.


(That Evening)

"People come and...they go....
Some people may...stay with you though...
I am all alone tonight...and I...
Keep...on asking myself questions...."

"You're awfully quiet, Ren-kun."

I blinked out of my daze and looked up from my daydream. I glanced at Akechi's stare, then averted my eyes quickly.

I couldn't look at him calmly after what had happened this morning..

"Something's bothering you."

I took a sip of my drink, the melodic words of the live jazz singer hanging off of the silence between us. I didn't immediately respond to Akechi's statement.

In all honesty, I didn't know whether or not to confide in Akechi. Just before meeting him, I was with the group at Destiny Land. We watched Okumara's sudden mental shutdown.

My heart was torn, trying to determine whether it was caused by us, or by another culprit. I didn't have enough information to speak of the incident yet. We had gotten so close this morning, I just..

I didn't know if it was the right time.

I cleared my throat and looked down at my lap, then back to the live performance.

"It's nothing, let's just--"

"I am a Detective, you know." I looked up from my nervous hands clasped under the table to see Akechi smirking broadly. That same genuinely prideful smirk.

"It goes without saying that I can probably deduce what's on your mind."

I opened my mouth to speak, but hesitated. Crow jumped on the opening.

"You're worried about the repercussions of Okumara's incident."

How could I expect any less of the Detective Prince.

I swallowed, averting my eyes once more.

"It just...doesn't make sense."

With a curious smirk on his face, he placed his elbow on the table and put his head in his hand. He began fiddling with the straw in his half finished drink as he stared me down.

Dark Sun: A Goro Akechi x Amamiya Ren Romance (Persona 5/Royal)Where stories live. Discover now