6: Stutter

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(Akechi's P.O.V)

I was grinning like a madman, watching as Loki engulfed Futaba's shadow. When he released her, her form was covered in darkness. She stood unmoving.

"HAHAHAHAHA--YES!!" A wild laugh escaped from me - one I simply couldn't contain.
My mask apparated as my persona faded and I placed my hand on it, feeling the power of control and deceit coursing through my veins.

"You fool, I am all powerful! I WILL NEVER LOSE!" I doubled over in more irate laughter as Futaba's berserk soul stared emotionlessly. I met eyes with her for just a moment, a silent understanding electrifying between us.

She dissapeared in a heartbeat.

"Running from me, are you now?" I chuckled more under my breath, slowly regaining the bearings of my sanity. I inhaled deeply and smiled.

I felt much better now.

Alone in the long, quiet staircase, I resumed hobbling down the stairs - the resentment completely wiped from my heart.


As I suspected, it didn't take much longer for the rest of my 'friends' to return.

"Akechi, how are you feeling!?" Ann came down the stairs first, seemingly worried about my injury.

I looked up as I sat near the bottom of the staircase. I briefly laid eyes on Yusuke, Ryuji and Makoto, then glanced Ren staring at me from behind them.

What felt like a bolt of lightning shot through me as our eyes met. I turned away.

"Much better. Rest is what I needed after all that travel into the Palace.." I flexed my charming smile. The group all huddled around me.

"We secured the route to the treasure! So your pain wasn't without merit."

Mona hopped onto Jokers shoulder. I nodded.

"That's great. That means you can now send the calling card?"

"By tomorrow, we'll have rid Futaba of her inner turmoil." Yusuke cut in with a curt smile. I slowly began standing.

"Alright, if we're done, let's head out and all get some sleep." Makoto looked to all of us, before leading the way out of the palace.

I smirked.

Phase two would start any minute.


When the group of us touched down back into reality, it was still nighttime in Yongen. The exact time we had left to jump into the metaverse in the first place.

"We will send the calling card in the morning." We huddled together in a circle in the alley just outside Sojiro's house, agreeing that we would meet together at sunrise. There was no school tomorrow, and I was lucky I currently had no tv appearances, so it worked out perfectly.

"Breakfast, we can meet at the diner. I could go for some of their sweet tea." Ann beamed happily, while Ryuji just sighed.

"Is that all ya think about is sweets?"

Panther instantly began blushing. She turned away from him dismissively.

"NO! It isn't!!"

"I'm free. I'll be there, as long as they have good coffee, ofcourse." I gave a friendly smile, to which the group warmed up to instantly.

"It's no LeBlanc coffee, but it's still good!" Ryuji smirked, nodding to Ren in the process.

"Goodnight then everyone." Makoto politely bowed her head, then gave a wave as she turned and headed towards the station. Ryuji, Ann and Yusuke all followed her lead.

Dark Sun: A Goro Akechi x Amamiya Ren Romance (Persona 5/Royal)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt