5: Fascination

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They say a choice

In the darkest hour

Is the way we find out

What we are made of...


(Ren P.O.V)

"He won't pick up?"

Morgana popped his head out from my bag slung over my shoulder. I frowned at my phone. The screen showed the line going straight to voicemail.

"It doesn't look like it."

It had been a few days since Akechi and I last spoke. The last time I saw him, we had picked up his crutches from Takemi-san, then he went on his way. I found it odd that he hadn't reached out since then for work, but I had presumed maybe he was taking a break to relieve his foot injury.

Ryuji glanced at me. "He's probably taking some time off for his foot."

"We shouldn't wait if he isn't going to respond. He can join in another time." Yusuke chimed in, and the group of us all nodded. I then exited the call window on my phone and opened up the MetaNav.

"Ah--! Wait!!"

A rushed voice called in the distance.
I looked up through the darkness of the night to see a figure hobbling on crutches past LeBlanc, headed straight for us as we stood outside Sojiro's place.

"Wow, good timing." Makoto placed a hand on her hip.

I watched as he made his way towards us. Watching him swing forward on his crutches, step by step, it was clear why he was late. One less foot made him walk incredibly slow.

"I'm so sorry I'm late. As you can see, it's not easy getting around with these crutches." The Detective Prince paused infront of our group. The lot of us stood silently.

"Akechi-san, you're really hurt. You could get even more injured in the Palace.." Ann frowned.

"It's a possibility you could slow us down as well, since your crutches hinder your movement." Morgana looked on from over my shoulder.

"I could stay back and support!" The gleam in his eyes showed he wasn't going to give up so easily.

"I still don't really understand this whole Phantom Thief thing. I'd really like to just watch from a distance and observe for myself." Akechi leant against his crutches, placing one hand on the back of his head nervously. His charming smile was in beaming in full force.

"Please. I haven't been able to get that image of the desert out of my head since we left.."

The group looked to me, clearly awaiting my answer. I crossed my arms in thought.

"Since we can only fight with four people, we'll need someone to sit out and support the group, as well as protect Akechi incase an ambush starts." Akechi's smile brightened. Ryuji frowned at me, sighing softly.

"We can take turns switching in and out. That way we all get experience, and Akechi is never without a bodyguard."

Yusuke, Makoto, Ann, and Morgana all nodded in unison. I pulled up my phone once again.

"Okay, lets get going."

I pressed the button on the MetaNav, and instantly the familiar weightless feeling of travelling into the Metaverse began. I glanced at Akechi for just a moment, feeling a little uneasy at him coming with us despite his injuries.

My eyes widened slightly in my surprise.

His expression, the normally charming smile he wore had morphed into something else. It was only visible for a moment, but I was sure I saw it.

Dark Sun: A Goro Akechi x Amamiya Ren Romance (Persona 5/Royal)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora