Chapter 9: Back to the HQ. Off to Alabasta!

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Chapter 9: Back to the HQ. Off to Alabasta!

Hey guys I'm back with chapter 9. YESSS I FINALLY MANAGE TO UPLOAD!! SO HAPPY!! Thank you for your patience and please enjoy my story!


(y/n) POV

"Sabo?!" I exclaimed.

"Yo! (y/n)" Sabo Smiled and greeted me as he retreated his hand back.

"Sabo what have you been doing? We have to go back to our ship and retreat immediately! Dragon-san's order!" I spoke.

"Well you seemed to be in trouble. So why not bother helping you?" As Sabo spoke his fist turned black, "It seems I have to use haki with Logia types."

"You know how to use HAKI?!" I questioned. As I looked at Sabo standing in front of me with his black fist.

"Well you know Dragon-san explained the basic haki skill and we had the chance to learn about it just a little?" Sabo asked

"Well ya like observation haki, busoshoku haki and etc."

"I somehow naturally learned it while we stayed in loguetown!" as Sabo laughed, Smoker flew across the street towards Sabo. Sabo swiftly jumps over, "but I can only use busoshoku haki and it's incomplete."

"Well that's still sugoi! I hope to help you but none of my attacks work on Smoker."

Sabo threw a punch while it was blocked by Smoker's Jitte. Smoker then flew above as his smoke trail disappeared behind him and he threw the jitte at Sabo, which he dodged. A marine seaman ran towards Smoker and reported "Captain! Straw Hat Luffy escaped Loguetown. Currently they are on their ship sailing off towards reverse mountain." When I heard this I was very delighted Luffy finally had escaped. I still couldn't believe Sabo forgot about Ace and Luffy. Even if I explained it many times he always said "Sorry (y/n) I can't remember." I was always frustrated when he said that. His long term amnesia is still a problem. Oh well some day I will make him remember.

"NANI?! (What?!)We will chase them down! Prepare the marine ship!" Smoker spoke.

"How about the revolutionary army?" Marine Seaman asked.

"Our goal is to capture Monkey D Luffy first!" Smoker Exclaimed "Next time I will send you to Impel down Dragon!" Smoker and a Marine seaman ran off to capture Luffy.

A few minutes later Betty-san, an East Army leader appeared in the central town "Dragon-san mission has been completed!".

Timeskip - Back to HQ

Since the Loguetown incident Sabo, Koala and I came back to the HQ and trained to master haki. Of course Dragon-san was impressed that Sabo was able to self-taught Busoshoku Haki. Soon I was able to fully utilise Busoshoku haki. Though observation haki was my worst area I still needed more practice.

"Sabo are you ready to practice?" I asked him.

"Oh ya. (y/n) you still have a long way to win against me!"

"Well no one knows if I don't give it a shot!" I spoke. Sabo became my training partner/mentor to master busoshoku haki. He is my fighting opponent. Though I was able to control busoshoku haki, my haki wasn't as strong as Sabo's Dragon claw (with busoshoku). Thus, currently I have lost 55 times and 0 wins. I hope this round won't be my 56th loss.

As I was about to throw my fist when it was interrupted by Dragon-san. "(y/n), Sabo training will be over for today. (y/n) follow me I will be assigning you a new mission."

As we strolled into his office Dragon-san started to explain. "(y/n) it seems that another Ohara survivor has been found in Alabasta. Just like you she had survived a buster call and her name is Nico Robin. During further investigation we had figured out that Alabasta is under civil war. So, your mission will be to get in contact with Nico Robin and figure out how this civil war has begun in Alabasta. As you know, the revolutionary army's goal is to bring peace to the civilians and so your priority is to first gather information about the main cause of this civil war. Your devil fruit power will be the most efficient way to investigate Alabasta. Report right away if you have gathered any new information."

"Roger that sir." I replied.

"You will be setting sail tomorrow." Dragon-san replied.

Meeting was soon over and I headed back to the training area. "Yo (y/n) what was up with Dragon-san? What kind of a mission did he give you?" Sabo asked

"Well... you see I might have to travel overseas again... tomorrow" I replied.

"Aw come on it's going to be boring without you. I like training with you."

"Aw I will miss you as well. Anyhow I have to travel to Alabasta. You know the civil war is occurring there right now? Dragon-san basically wants me to gather some information regarding that." As I explained everything about Nico Robin he really wanted to tag along but Dragon-san assigned this mission specifically for me. It has to be a private mission to gather data about the civil war. Basically means I have to sneak in and my Devil fruit is pretty good with that type of job.

"So unfortunately Sabo you can't go." I said, "But I think when the civil war gets worse Dragon-san will send soldiers to resolve this meaningless war. So when that happens tag along. Who knows probably your dragon claw could be helpful to this mission?"

Time skip to Alabasta (I made some changes in the story meaning only this part won't be following the anime.)

For weeks I sailed off with Ivankov-san which he dropped me off of Alabasta and I had finally arrived near the port. After saying goodbye to him only sand was within my sight. Not a single drop of water was present and sunlight was beaming down the sandy grounds creating heat. I was already in exhaustion, walking on miles and miles of flat sand. As I withstanded the beaming ray of sunlight I came across a small village. It seemed that the oasis dried out. At first I thought I was being delusional due to lack of hydration however, as I walked closer to it I saw an old man digging up the ground.

"Uh sir what has happened to the Oasis?" I asked him as I approached.

"sigh* There have been several sand storms hitting this area which took away all of the water in the Oasis. Because no water is left in this village everyone left except me." He answered.

"Well what are you exactly doing sir?"

"I'm trying to dig up the water beneath the sand so it can bring back the Oasis. I will never give up!" he continued to dig up piles of sand. I approached to help him. I had grabbed a shovel from the village's storage room and dug up the sand.

As he smiled at me he said "it seems that there are many nice travelers visiting Alabasta!"

"What do you mean by many sir?" I asked.

"Well just before you had arrived in this village a group of youngs approached me and did the same thing as you did. From my memory I can remember that one of the travelers was wearing a straw hat. I think his name was Luffy?" (Luffy doesn't meet this old guy in Alabasta right after he arrives but I will make some changes in the timeline and will say that he met him right after he ported to Alabasta).


Author: That's it for today! I apologize for not uploading for such a long time. I practically ran out of ideas when I was trying to write this chapter. So, as I announced in my conversation, I spent a week planning out the ending of my fanfiction and I have a basic structure of it. Also, some details and parts of my fanfiction may not follow the anime a little (minor changes to make the story interesting) but the overall plot won't be affected.

Luffy: Author-chan quite chit chatting and let me speak to (y/n)! Hey! It's been a long time since we spoke! I hope to meet you again. I would be especially happy if you bring some meat!

Author: Luffy we all know your love of meat just please calm down.

Luffy: Aww come on is it really that bad to ask to bring some meat? I want to have a banquet!

Author: Ok ok Luffy we can have a banquet soon just please be patient a bit. Anyhow thank you for enjoying my story and see you next time!

What if I was in One piece (Luffy x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang