Chapter 23b Unity is Strength

Start from the beginning

Abhir indicated it was time for her to hang up the call and she did. Sid reloaded the gun and Abhir took a few steps back bracing for the shot.

"It's going to sting a lot," Sid warned, aiming the gun.

"Target the muscle on my arm," Abhir forced his eyes shut. "Please try not to kill me."

Sid hesitated as he brought his hand back to his side having second thoughts. Anisha could see he was trying hard to calm his nerves.

"What's taking so much time?" Abhir groaned with his eyes still shut.

"Take the shot!" Anisha demanded.

"Are you sure?" Sid exhaled sharply, beads of sweat dripping from his forehead. Anu felt tears build up in her eyes, her stomach dropped.

"Make sure you don't miss," she stammered.

Siddharth pointed the gun and pulled the trigger. The gun went off, Anu instinctively covered her eyes as she heard the sound of the bullet rip through Abhir's body.

The impact of the bullet was so strong, it flung Abhir off his feet. Both Sid and she ran to his side to examine his wound. He was bleeding heavily as expected, Sid pressed the area delicately and commented that he couldn't feel anything broken. Siddharth gave Anisha his jacket to apply pressure on the wound as he started to run towards the lake to get rid of the gun. 

Anisha caressed Abhir's face gently, "Is it too late to say that I think this was a stupid idea?" She heard Abhir chuckle weakly, he was going in and out of consciousness.

Anisha could hear the siren of the ambulance in the distance. "A few minutes more Abhir, they will take care of you. Don't worry. I'm here alright?" She whispered as she pressed on his smooth thick hair.

Abhir's breathing was starting to get ragged, it made her nervous. "Hey! Open your eyes," she commanded. His eyes jerked open and she noticed him staring blankly at the night sky.

"It's such a beautiful night, the sky is so pretty." Abhir smirked, " I see fear in your eyes. Is that fear of losing me?"

"You wish," Anisha sniffled as tears rolled down.

"So I managed to take some of Siddharth's space in your heart then?" Abhir smiled weakly.

"A tiny space," she giggled ignoring the flood of tears.

"Good good, is that dick not back yet?"Abhir teased. "I don't know what you see in him."

Anisha looked over her shoulder and caught Siddharth running back to them."Sid is almost here," Anisha reassured him.

"Good... Don't hate me for tonight Anisha. I just wanted to be accepted by my father. I know you won't understand it but..."

"I do understand and I don't hate you... Don't talk and waste your energy. You're going to need a lot of it."

Siddharth knelt beside Abhir, "How are you holding up?"

"First class," he snorted.

As soon as that happened, two ambulances showed up with 3 police vehicles trailing them. Their sirens lit up the abandoned park. Abhir was immediately taken to the hospital. Siddharth and Anisha were taken along to check for injuries. They were interrogated separately in different rooms at the hospital and by the time they were released, everyone from Siddharth's family and hers were waiting outside.

"You're bleeding, oh my God!", Mom screamed as she approached them.

Looking down at her blood-stained lehenga, Anisha replied, "I'm fine Ma, it's not mine."

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