He looked away for a moment. "Are you alright?" I asked, "You look awful."

"Well, what'd you expect? I mean, it's freezing,"

"Agreed." Y/n mumbled.

"See? Now how do we get out of here?"

I sighed and grabbed his hand, "Come on," I dragged him in the direction of the wardrobe and grabbed Y/n's hand as I passed her. "This way."


Why on earth was Lucy screaming at this hour?! Her high pitched voice that startled me awake was screaming at Peter to wake up. I feared that something was wrong so I swung my legs out of bed and wrapped my robe around myself to block out the chilly night air. I noticed Edmund and Y/n at the edge of the room, Y/n was watching the rude awakening with an entertained grin but Edmund just looked like he was lost in his thoughts. Deciding to ignore them, I made my way over to Lucy and Peter.

"Narnia! It's all in the wardrobe like I told you!"

The silly girl must've imagined it again, "You've just been dreaming, Lucy." I reasoned.

"But I haven't! I saw Mr. Tumnus again! And this time both Edmund and Y/n went too."

I turned to them, there was no way they could have gone to an imaginary world too.

"You...you saw the faun?" Peter asked.

Edmund shook his head. "Well, he didn't actually go there with me. Only Y/n did."

Expecting Y/n to deny it as Edmund did I turned towards her and waited for her response. But to my great confusion, she smiled.

"Oh, it was wonderful you guys! It was exactly as Lucy described it. We just walked through the wardrobe and into a winter forest, and we even had tea with Mr. Tumnus!" Then a look of puzzlement washed over her face.

"But... we had only run into Edmund at the end of our visit." She looked at him, "What were you doing, Edmund?"

I watched him hesitate for a moment, looking between Y/n and Lucy. "I was just playing along."

Y/n's face contorted into disbelief and then betrayal. "I'm sorry, Peter." He continued, "I shouldn't have encouraged her, but you know what little children are like these days."

He sat down and looked at Lucy, and I immediately knew he was up to something. "They just don't know when to stop pretending."


Peter pushed me down onto the bed when he and Susan ran past me to comfort Lucy.

"Ow!" I grunted and pushed myself up onto my forearms.


Her voice startled me. I didn't notice she was still there. She stood at the foot of my bed in her robe and boots, watching me with hurt eyes. I couldn't understand why but those eyes made me feel guilty. I frowned at her and stood up next to the bed.

"Did you honestly think they would believe us?" I tried to cover up the real reason I lied. "They would've thought we were mental."

"All three of us? Seeing the same magical world?" She narrowed her eyes at me. "Even you must know that with multiple witnesses it's pretty hard not to believe it. So what's the real reason you lied?"

How come she could see through my lie but the others couldn't? I glared at her, "It's none of your business."

A flash of hurt crossed her facial features before she set her jaw and put on a poker face. "Fine. But I know there's something you don't want to tell us and I'm going to find out what."

With that, I watched as she stormed out of the room.


I can't believe Edmund. I know he was in Narnia, I saw him with my own eyes! So why would he lie about it? I quickly pushed thoughts of him out of my head and went to find Lucy. I heard voices upstairs so I began to navigate the maze of hallways and stairs up to a doorway. Immediately, Susan and Peter walked out of it, both in deep thought. I was like they didn't even notice me as they walked past and down the stairs. I frowned and turned to the door, recognizing it as my grandfather's study.

I pushed open to door to see him sitting on a couch with a pipe in his mouth. He smiled at me when I walked in.

"My dear Y/n, why are you up at this hour? Is it because of the ruckus earlier?" He questioned, pulling the pipe out of his mouth.

I walked over and sat on the couch opposite him, "Why were Peter and Susan just in here?"

He grinned and puffed another cloud of smoke before speaking again, "The two children were telling me that their younger sister had discovered a forest in the wardrobe! I mean how wonderful is that! The only thing is they just could bring themselves to believe her."

"And you do?"

"Well of course! Why would she lie to her family about such matters?" He paused for a moment. "Do you believe her?"

I hesitated, then sighed. "I don't really have a choice, I was there with her."

"Oh my dear, what was it like?"

"Beautiful. Covered in snow and ice everywhere you looked. I met Mr. Tumnus, a faun, and we had wonderful tea with him." I grinned

"But I thought you didn't fancy tea?"

"That just tells you how good it was!" I laughed

He joined in on my laughter before hurriedly ushering me out of the study to get some rest. According to him, "Magical lands can make you very tired." so I needed to go back to bed. I said goodnight and walked back to my room, finally able to fall asleep.

-Chapter four! I'm finally getting some more Y/n action in here! It's been pretty boring with her quiet. Also, very sorry I didn't upload a chapter yesterday, I was busy. But anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and thanks for reading!-


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