Chapter 6: Real Explanation

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The Karasuno volleyball team lost a total of 4 out of the 10 matches they played. When Fushimi was watching, he could only get more and more confused while seeing Hinata play.

His passes were terrible, when Fushimi was sure he had helped Hinata be amazing at passing. Though he wouldn't say anything in front of the team.

The day ended and all but 1 of the courts were cleaned, as per Hinata's request.

"Ruhi! Come help me get better at passing again!" He yelled when the other boy stood, ready to leave.

"Now? Its already late. Your brother will kill me if you aren't at that bar soon. He might kill me regardless." Though he mumbled the last part, Hinata still heard it.

"I still don't understand your rivalry with each other. You guys used to be so close, it shouldn't matter if you find a better place with the blues rather than HOMRA." Hinata watched as a smirk rose on Fushimi's face.

"Because seeing Misaki angry is the most entertaining."

"Do you like seeing me angry?" Hinata wondered.

"No. You aren't interesting when you're upset. I much prefer you as you are." Fushimi spoke absentmindedly, but regretted it when he saw the smile on Hinata's face.

"Aww, you like seeing me happy!" He shouted.

"Whatever. I'm going to hit at you 5 times, for every one you miss its 2 laps around the gym. Got it?" He some with authority, and caught the attention of the rest of Karasuno, curious of the twos interactions with each other.

"Yes sir!"

And so Hinata ran 10 laps. Failing to pass every single ball.

"Your form was sloppy. You remember what I taught you before you left? Get behind and under the ball, angle your shoulders, and move your feet!" Fushimi yelled, entering his 'Coach Mode'.

"Oh yeah!" Hinata went back to his passing position, slightly out of breath from running constantly.

He ran 4 laps this time.

"Better, but you need to commit to the ball. You seem scared of it."

2 laps.

"Finish off on a good note. 5 more hits, try to get all of them."

That time he didn't run at all, and Fushimi set him a few to make up for the harsh coaching.

"Can we get ice cream?!" The over excited boy screamed when he finished putting away the net.

"Do you have money?" Hinata deflated at Fushimi's response.


"There's your answer. I already bought you breakfast, your entire team lunch, and I coached you. I'm not spending more money and time on you."


So now Hinata was standing with some of HOMRA outside of the Scepter 4 base, waiting for their king to dramatically explode out of the building.

Misaki was ignoring Hinata for coming home with the traitor but Hinata was just giving him time. Its not the first time something like this has happened.

"Hinata, you need to apologize to him and explain that you're still friends with Fushimi." Izumo had explained to the short boy.

"He won't listen to me. I keep trying to talk to him, but he's just ignoring me." Was the immediate response, but now Mikoto was coming so he needed to brush that aside.

But when fire began to explode out of the building in front of them, a large smile found its way onto Hinata's face, despite the small disagreement between the brothers.

"Miko!" Hinata was the first to greet the king, but the first thing the king did when he was close enough was grab the small boy around the waist and give him a soft and gentle kiss on the lips.

Another thing for Misaki to be upset about.

It wasn't long until the group found their way back to the bar. The Karasuno group was sitting at a large table talking to each other when Hinata came in. Rather than talking to him, they watched as the boy went behind the bar and grabbed a half empty bottle of whiskey and poured a small glass with a single ice cube in it.

They then watched Hinata put a small, golden tablet into the whiskey and watched it dissolve. The group then watched as he handed the glass to the redheaded 'king' of HOMRA. They watched as the Red King quickly downed the glass before turning and glaring at the volleyball team.

"You guys ready?" Hinata asked them nervously.

"For what?" Yamaguchi spoke first.

"An explanation. You wanna know who the people I've been with are, how I know them, why I've lied. Everything, right?"

"Yes. Please explain." Daichi stared expectantly at the middle blocker.

Soon a small TV was rolled into the room, turned on, and a video was shown ready to play.

"Tatara will be here any minute. He said he wanted to see the video." Hinata smiled.

"I'm already here you idiot." A voice spoke from the doorway.

"Well then. Lets get started." The lights then turned off and the video started to play.

It showed a night sky, from a rooftop as the voice recognized to be Tatara was recording. Then there was another boy. White hair, skinny, standing on the edge of the building and singing softly. After some short exchanges, the boy shot Tatara and introduced himself as the 'Colorless King'.

When the video ended the Karasuno boys didn't know what to think.

"So some crazy guy shot Tatara and called himself the 'Colorless King'. What does that have to do with why you've been gone?" Tanaka was the first to speak up after the end of the video.

"This is the reason I've been running off. Trying to find the guy that tried to kill Tatara." Hinata tried to explain.

"In this City, there are 7 people known as 'Kings' all represented by a color. The first King is the Silver King, second King is the Gold King, third King is the Red King, fourth is the Blue King. And so on. The Colorless King is the 7th king. Not much is known about his ability.

"So we've been working towards finding the true Colorless King before something else happens." Izumo explained to the group.

"And what does this have anything to do with Hinata?" Nishinoya asked.

"Mikoto Suoh is our king. The Red King. Hinata is a member of the Red Clan. Some call him a Purple Clansmen because he works with the Blues sometimes too. He's close with both."

The Red Kings Volleyball PlayerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora