Chapter 2: For Tatara!

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Hinata never gets sick the day before a volleyball game. He's always the first one at the meeting point and he's always ready to play.

So when Hinata called Daichi saying he was sick and couldn't make it to the school, they believed him. They didn't assume he was skipping to hang out with his family or friends, or the guy that was cuddling him that he just so happened to share a room with.

But really? Hinata was going hunting for a shooter after visiting Tatara in the hospital. But Hinata didn't think he would get caught, else he wouldn't have gone with.

Hinata, Mikoto, Yata, and Izumo went to the hospital not long after the rest of the volleyball team left for the camp.

Hinata hates hospitals. But Tatara needed to know he was in town so he knew to hurry up and get better. So when they stepped into the hospital room and started talking, Hinata immediately remembered why he hates hospitals.

"The machines in this place are so loud. And it smells like rubbing alcohol. How can you stand being hospitalized? It smells like death!"

"I've been in hospitals before. King almost scratched my foot one time, remember?" Tatara smiled though they all knew he was in pain.

"So how long do you have to stay in this place?" Mikoto spoke up.

"Doc said I can go home in 3 days. But he said I might have to come back once every other week."

"Tata, you need to take better care of yourself. First you break your leg, then you get shot? You need to have someone with you wherever you go now." Hinata said in a soft but stern voice. All other people in the room nodded their heads in agreement.

"Aww, but that's so boring!" He exclaimed.

"I can be your buddy until I go back to Miyagi. But you would have to be willing to hang out with my volleyball team and go to my volleyball camp every day." Hinata smiled at Tatara, hoping he would like the idea.

"Yeah! You never come visit so I'll do it!" He yelled in excitement.

"Okay. We gotta go find the guy who did this to you though so it wont happen again." Hinata smiled again, he wanted Tatara to be safe, but he also wanted nothing more than to hang out with him.

"Don't kill him. Please. He didn't kill me, so you don't need to kill him." Tatara looked the king dead in the eye as he spoke.

"... Fine. But I do need to find him. Then I'll let Munakata deal with him." Mikoto caved, agreeing to let the kid live.

"Good! Now go find him!" He cheered.

Hinata was with Yata watching the street for the kid they were looking for. When he stepped out of a store holding fireworks Yata took off on his skate board swinging his bat.

Hinata had to follow by running, trying to stop his brother from knocking the kids head off. They wanted to question him, not kill him.

So when they turned down an alley and Kusanagi threatened him with his fire, Hinata stood in the way. Then Hinata and the white haired boy got kidnapped by a man named Kuroh, who also introduced himself as the 'black dog'.

Standing on the top of a building, Hinata didn't speak, only listened as they spoke.

"I'm a clansmen of the previous colorless king, sent to destroy the new king if he was discovered to be evil." He spoke with a monotone voice to avoid showing if he was regretful of his plan of murder.

"Why does everyone think its a good idea to kill him?!" Hinata yelled.

"I-I don't even know what I did, why are people trying to kill me?" He spoke, but before anyone else could say anything more a video played on a big screen across the street.

Tataras video.

"There's the reason, but I think you should run. I'll meet you on Ashinaka island and I'll wait at your dorm. See ya!" Hinata left, not wanting to watch someone be murdered, just in case that's what happened.

Hinata was desperately hoping that his team was just playing a game when he approached the island. Hinata knew he went to school here because he saw the boy in a street camera video leaving the school.

So, when he reached the school and realized he didn't have a PDA to get in, he asked for some other kids. Of course asked means punched, but who cares about specifics.

A kind girl helped him find the dorm he was looking for, but he would never remember her name. His first mistake was not watching his surroundings.

"Hey dumbass! What are you doing here! You're supposed to be in bed!" Kageyama's voice was loud. But not as loud as the sound of a boy desperately running into his dorm, right in front of him.

So he followed the boy instead of answering any questions from his teammate.

With a knock on his door, he was soon sitting and drinking a glass of water while the white haired boy in front of him was desperately trying to explain himself before Hinata even started to speak.

"I don't even know where that video came from! What's the colorless king and who was the boy I supposedly shot? I can find proof that I was here that night just please don't kill me! Give me a chance!" He nearly yelled the last part.

"If I was here to kill you, you'd be dead right now. Anyways, I believe you, but there are people who wont believe you. Like that 'black dog' character. And HOMRA doesn't like the idea of not killing you, the only reason they aren't going to is because the kid who was shot asked them not to. Now I'm gonna stick with you for today, but I have volleyball to play so I can't protect you after today."

"You'll help me?" He sounded confused now, but Hinata didn't get to respond before he was running again from the black dog that followed him home.

"I'll go back to HOMRA then I guess. I'll leave my phone number for him to call me should he need my help for anything," Hinata spoke quietly to himself while getting a piece of paper and writing the name and number as well as the address to HOMRA with a little note that said to find him if he really needed him.

When Hinata made it to the outside of the dorm, his whole team was gathered outside. Angry.

"Why aren't you at HOMRA if you're so sick?" Daichi spoke first.

"I had to help him. He's being framed for something and a lot of people, people I know, are out to get him. Also in a few days I have to escort a friend of mine around. He got hurt recently and he can't go out on his own for awhile. And I will be busy tonight and tomorrow night a possibly the night after that as well." He spoke quickly so they wouldn't interrupt.

"Is that the guy that shot somebody?" This time Sugawara spoke up.

"He's been framed. I can't tell you any of the details yet, but I will be able to soon. I promise just bare with me for a little while longer. I'll be able to play for the rest of the camp but you can't pry into this right now." He was practically begging by now.

"What are you? Part of a gang or something?" Tanaka spoke this time, a suspicious look on his face.

"Uh, no." He spoke with confusion. There's no way they could know.

"Right. Okay. Go back to the bar and sleep or something. Just stop running around like an idiot." Kageyama walked away from the group first, soon everyone else followed behind.

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