Chapter 7: Brought to the Bar

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Karasuno couldn't help but think the group was playing a joke on the volleyball team. Until one Yata Misaki slammed the doors to the bar open and began to yell at his younger brother.

"What the hell were you doing with that traitor!?" The group was confused until he continued, "that blue monkey is gonna get it and you better stay the hell away from him!" He finished.

"Are you talking about Fushimi?" Sugawara asked calmly.

"You introduced that sociopath to your team mates?!" That added fuel to the fire and the volleyball boys couldn't help but be frightened when a flame like aura angrily wrapped around Yata.

"He and I were hanging out after I met with the Blue King. We got breakfast then he agreed to watch my volleyball practice matches and buy lunch for the team." Hinata explained while trying to calm down his brother.

"Whatever." He stormed out when he noticed the frightened volleyball team.

"Holy shit! You were telling the truth!" Tanaka yelled loudly after the angry boy left.

"Yeah, so do you have any questions?" He wondered.

"What's the Sword of Damocles?" Daichi asked the first year.

"That's the kings' sign of power. If Mikoto were to use a large amount of his power the Sword would show in the sky. Same with the other kings."

"Why are you the one looking for the guy that tried to kill Tatara?" Sugawara asked worriedly.

"If it were any of the others he would be dead by now. By me being the one to search and talk to him I was able to discover that he wasn't the shooter. I think the Colorless Kings power is body swap. He could be anyone."

"Wait, so what's the Red Kings power?" Asahi wondered.

"Fire, destruction. But not meant to be abused. He shouldn't destroy things because he wants to, only if he needs to. Which is why his sword is weak and almost at his limit." Hinata glared at the Red King as he said this.

"What about the Blue King?" Yamaguchi asked.

"I don't actually know, I know they work with security and building, though they don't rely on their power much." Hinata smiled as he spoke.

"Why do you call the Blue Clan scepter 4?" Ennoshita asked.

"We don't just go around calling ourselves the Red Clan. We are HOMRA. Most think of us as a gang though. Scepter 4 is like the police system around here."

Hinata's phone rang before they could ask any more questions.

"Hey, love." He answered with a mischievous smirk. The Red King growled in response.

"Hey, can you get to the school island like... Now?" The voice on the other side asked. Though the phone wasn't on speaker the entire group heard the voice.

"I'll be there in 10. Wait for me." With that they hung up and Hinata walked up to Izumo. "I need the keys. I'll be back in an hour or so."

Karasuno was shocked when the blonde handed over the keys to his van and Hinata walked out.

"He's 15, you're letting him drive?!" Sugawara yelled at the bartended.

"He's been driving for awhile, this is the first time he's asked to drive alone though." Izumo watched at the white van sped past the window, well over the speed limit, then watched as the volleyball team paled.

"He'll be fine. Somethings happening on the island, probably with that kid the Colorless King used." Mikoto spoke.

They could only wait until the van came back.

It wasn't until two hours later that the white van came back and parked in the alleyway beside the bar. The volleyball team watched as an irritated Hinata got out of the front seat and opened the back seat for three more people to come out of the van. The team recognized one of the boys as the one from the video they had watched earlier. Izumo also noticed this and made Mikoto aware.

Hinata stepped into the bar first, then the white haired boy, a white haired girl, and a dark haired boy.

"Everyone, meet Yashiro Isana, Neko, and The Black Dog Kuro. The Blues were chasing them and needed a rescuing." Hinata introduced.

"Isn't that the guy that shot Tatara?" Kageyama asked angrily, thinking his teammate had put them all in danger.

"Uhh, maybe? Kuro has basically decided that he's innocent and so have I. I have my suspicions about who he is, but I'm not sharing." Hinata smiled innocently when he noticed the irritation off everyone in the room.

"Wait! You think you know what happened to me? And you didn't tell me?!" Yashiro yelled.

"Well it would ruin the surprise. Besides, all that matters is that you're innocent. Mikoto wants to talk to you about what happened but I'll be in there with you to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid."

The three of them, Mikoto, Yashiro and Hinata, went into a room in the back. For an hour.

"Alright new mission! Protect this innocent man from the Blues!" Hinata yelled excitedly.

"But he shot Tatara?" Yata said it like a question.

"Wrong. The Colorless King shot Tatara. The Colorless King is a body jumper, he could be anyone."

Everyone looked around at each other, a look of mistrust on some faces before Hinata spoke up, "don't start killing each other, just look for different or weird things that someone was doing. You all know each other's personality, but if you have suspicions don't make it obvious. Tell King first."

Murmurs of agreement spread across the room before the Red Clan left, minus those staying at the bar.

"Izumo, make me a Sherly Temple?" Hinata asked calmly and watched as said bartender started making the non-alcoholic drink. Though the volleyball team didn't know that and was slowly going pale as Hinata started to sip on the drink with a smile on his face. "Thank you, make some for the team too. All of them."

"Uhh, n-no we're good," Sugawara was going to continue, but Izumo cut them off.

"I insist, and its on the house. You'll like them so you should give it a try."

When he said this he was handing out the Sherly Temples for the team to drink.

They smelt it.

Then they took the tiniest sip.

No alcohol.

They drank it and loved it.


Sorry I posted this twice, I added some stuff so please read it again.

The Red Kings Volleyball PlayerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin