Chapter 1: Back to Shizume

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To say Hinata was excited was an understatement. Their club advisor had just told them about an upcoming camp. 4 schools would be there, plus the school hosting it.

Aoba Johsai

Fukurodani Academy

Nekoma High

Karasuno High

And the hosts: Ashinaka High School

Though, Hinata's reason for being excited wasn't what everyone else thought it was. The return to Shizume city, to his brother. To his king. Although nobody knew about his past, nor his affiliation with that violent gang in Shizume city known as the red clan.

But he was more like his close friend Tatara. They helped keep the red clan calm and to minimize damage. Right now though he was grouped with his volleyball team listening to the club advisor, Takeda, talk about the situation with the week long stay in Shizume.

"Although the bus will drop us off and pick us back up, the school hosting the camp was unable to secure classrooms for the teams participating to stay in.

"If we want to go to this then we need to work together to find housing arrangements for the team. We should have it figured out by Thursday so we can leave on friday. If you figure out a place the team can stay then let me know as soon as possible." Takeda sensei finished leaving the coach in the spotlight to talk about the teams we were going to play, and what to do during practice.

Hinata gasped loudly, interrupting the coach and drawing all attention to him. He quickly stood and bowed, yelling "I need to go!" Before running out of the gym leaving a confused team behind.

Hinata didn't stop running until he was outside of the school and riding as fast as he could home on his bike. He needed to call Misaki and ask if the team could stay for the week, with Izumo's permission of course.

The second he was in his home he got on his phone and called his brother, who picked up on the second ring.

"Hey you little shit. Its been 3 months, I need to you to call more often!" Misaki growled out at Hinata before he could say anything.

"Hey bro..." He started sheepishly. "Are you at the bar?"

"Yeah, why? Do you not wanna talk to me anymore?" He feigned sadness.

"Yeah, I need to talk to Kusanagi-san about something. Don't tell anyone I called though." Hinata spoke softly.

"Whatever." He heard the phone being passed over before a new voice spoke out.



"Well, if it isn't little sunshine. I'm guessing this isn't a social call?" He sounded irritated, this wasn't going to be easy.

"Ahh, actually, I need a place for me and some friends to stay. Could we use the bar?" Hinata spoke softly into the phone, hoping for a positive response.

"Depends. What's in it for me?" Of course he wants something from me.

"I'll set you up on a date with Seri while I'm visiting." Hinata's voice held a teasing tone as he said this.

"I... I suppose I could work something out. How many people and how do you want the rooms split up?" Izumos gave in.

"... 16 people. 2 girls, 2 adults, and 11 teenage boys. If possible I want the girls together and the adults together, then the 3 third years together, and the 4 second years together, and lastly the 3 first years and last second year together.  I'm probably going to room with king if possible. Don't tell him that though."

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