Prologue/Hinata's Backstory

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(Always going to be 3rd person POV unless told otherwise.)

For as long as he could remember his parents had been divorced. It happened a few months after his mom and dad found out she was expecting Hinata.

It was also a few months after Hinata's mom found out about the affair 4 years earlier, resulting in a child. After he was born, Hinata's mom started to struggle with postpartum depression, leaving the boy to grow up with his father and older half brother.

When Hinata reached his 3rd year in Elementary school, he started to get more dependant on his older brother, following him around and hanging out with his friends. Hinata and his brother grew very close during this year. Until his 4th year in Elementary school.

The summer before his 4th year was when his brother started becoming distant. Telling him to stay home and to stop hanging out with him. Hinata listened until his curiosity got the best of him when he would only see his brother with bruises and cuts.

At the begining of his 5th and final year in Elementary school, Hinata hatched a plan to follow his brother to wherever he had been disappearing to. He didn't have regrets until someone grabbed him.

His brother heard the scream, not far behind him so he turned to help only to see little Hinata pinned against the wall with three men surrounding him.

To say he was pissed was an understatement. Who did they think they were to pin little Hinata against a wall? Why was Hinata there in the first place? That didn't matter though.

He knocked out the guy pinning his brother against the wall with one punch. The other two ran off on their own.

"Why the hell are you out here this late?!" He couldn't help but yell. He was worried for his brother. Had he not been there, who knows what would have happened.

"I just wanted to see why you weren't hanging out with me anymore. Where you were going." Hinata's voice was small as he sobbed out his answer.

His brother sighed and picked him up carefully to not frighten him anymore, before walking the rest of the way to HOMRA bar.

When the Red Clans Vanguard arrived carrying a tangerine headed child it raised many suspicions. He ignored all the looks and set his brother on the couch the lazy king would normally lay on while asking for a glass of water.

"Who's the kid?" The bartender and second hand to the King of HOMRA spoke as he got the water.

"This is my younger half brother, Hinata."

"Yata... Where are we?" His voice was quiet as his eyes looked around at all the people around the red colored bar.

"We're at the HOMRA bar. Its where I hang out with my friends." Yata spoke softly to the frightened boy.

"But you're too young to drink?" He responded hesitantly.

"Haha, yeah I don't drink anything. I just hang out. Kusanagi-san would kill me if I tried to drink anything." Yata crouched down in front of the orange haired boy while talking.

"Oh. Can I come with you from now on? Now that I know where you go to?" The puppy dog eyes were impossible to say no to, so he had no choice but to agree.

"Sure bud, only if its okay with Kusanagi-san though." Yata turned to look at said male who delivered his water as he spoke.

"I don't see a problem with it. I'm sure he could find something to do and king is fine with children as long as they aren't loud." The glasses wearing man spoke calmly with a smile on his face directed at Hinata.

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