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After the courtship ends

Life was perfect - extremely and there was nothing else that I wanted from it at the moment. I was deliriously content and even though I knew that there were many more obstacles to come, as long as I had my family together, we were going to get through it all easily.

The courtship had come to an end, according to its time period, but Adrian had yet not proposed.

I wasn't bothered about it at all. Sooner or later, he'd have to, and if he did take time, it would be me doing the proposing.

During the course of our 'dating period', Adrian showed me the entirety of his kingdom and every land he owned both across and beyond the MoonLine. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't overwhelmed at all, but I knew that this was a necessary step in the direction of me finally accepting my role. Along with businesses and properties, he had several orphanages and animal shelters as well, and he had told me that he was going to hand-over the responsibilities of those to me.

I asked him if Delia had been in-charge of something and he shook his head; she had not been interested in any of it but he knew that I would want to - and was capable of - taking care of his orphanages and shelters.

I felt honoured.

Along the same time, the training for me being the Luna Queen had already started and in the beginning I was just made to learn the historical facts about all the Kingdoms that were present on this side of the MoonLine, and the duties that were expected of me.

Again, I had started to become overwhelmed.

No matter how much Mom and Papa had prepared me, it could not beat the real deal. I got to see what and whom I was going to be responsible for - I was going to care for - and it immediately brought up the small insecurities that had been left inside me.

Was I capable of handling such huge, fragile responsibilities?

Fortunately, the team of Elders that were in-charge of training me consisted of my Grandmom Melissa and also my mother, along with Liana who was there with me in every step of way. Watching Liana, I knew that the both of us were completely different in our abilities - I was better in the comforting and nurturing department and this was something I had learnt over time, during my training.

Liana, however, had an expertise in the battlefield no other female had. While I went on a rampant rage during that war, Liana would have strategized and taken them down in a more systematic way.

My admiration for her had increased manifolds.

After the training, it was Adrian who took me in his arms and told me the tidbits of what he had experienced while ruling the kingdom which made me feel that it was okay for the Alphas and Lunas to have flaws.

Slowly, I was taken to take rounds of the Kingdom and I was shown the various, never-ending issues in the Kingdom that needed to be solved and those were the prime duties of the Luna Queen - there were some that an Alpha King could not solve, due to his limited aptitude for the same.

It had helped in bringing out the passion I had carrying out my responsibilities as a Queen.

When it came the time to be in a live-in arrangement with Adrian, finally, Papa spent his entire time fussing over me and caring for me. My mom felt like he was overreacting, because Mom knew that she was going to visit me time and again so she didn't feel like she would be missing me too much.

She was lying, though, because that night she had wrapped her arms around me and put me to sleep like I was a little baby. I had pretended to be asleep while she murmured that she wished she had more time to coddle me. I had to hold back tears just so that she could continue singing lullabies and talking to herself.

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