Chapter 29 - Adrian Wolfe

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I was exhausted -  it was a feeling I was well acquainted to since I found Moon Winters, my mate, my Celeste. I wondered how all of her names meant the same and if that held some significance.

It could, after all, she was so fucking special. No one doubted that she had been specially crafted by the Moon Goddess and sent on the Earth for a purpose.

My heart ached - all  I could  do was think about her and how she slipped right through my fingers and I couldn't do anything about it. Not just her, everything had slipped through my fingers now - my happiness, my sanity, my reason and my will to anything.

I wanted respite - I didn't want to be the Alpha King Adrian for a few days till I could gather back my scattered life.

It would be easy for everyone to think that my life was handed to me on a silver platter, but I remembered struggling with my life ever since I was born. I was an orphan, an omega, who was looked down upon by everyone. My father had been a pack guard who had lost his life while serving and my mother had died giving birth to me. I had to do everyone's dirty work and was expected to obey everyone's commands. 

I was different from everyone since childhood, and that led to me being bullied, teased harassed every step of the way. I had known what poverty felt like, I knew what hunger felt like, I knew what it was to wonder if I would stay alive the next day. No one remembered that my father was a martyr or my my mother was the one who had raised everyone in the pack. 

The Alpha and the Luna were kind to me, always, but there are bad people and good people everywhere. Just like that, there were people who were kind to me, but there were people hell bent on making my life living hell.

Our Pack WereFang had highly trained warriors and the trainings that were conducted were the hardest of all. The Alpha saw something in me, and was grateful to my father who had saved him, so he always let me train with the warriors. 

I always beat them all.

I trained hard for forty years, defeating everyone in my way, and finally when the time came to participate in the Kingdom Games, I defeated Moon's Grandfather and was crowned the Alpha King.

You would think I was finally happy, satisfied, not having to worry about my next meal or bullying.

No, I wasn't happy at all.

While struggling all my life, I had always remained assured that only one thing would make me the happiest in the world. 

My mate.

Even in hunger, even during the bullying, I had always imagined that my angel would come, the most beautiful she-wolf in the world, and she would scare all my demons, all my troubles away. She was my key to happiness and my will to live with her forever. 

Mates came easy to Werewolves, and many people I knew found them the moment they turned eighteen. But mine never came, even though I kept longing for her. I didn't even know if she was somewhere out there, waiting for me to find her.

Then I became the Alpha King, and I secretly searched for her for years, hoping to find her somewhere. But I couldn't even feel her presence.

And my life remained to be a disappointment for me.

There came a time for me when my urges became so strong  that I had to tie myself down to a woman. I didn't want to fool around with women who meant nothing to me; so I married the woman who had been the closest to me since childhood, who had been the kindest to me, and who stood by my side through all my struggles.


At that time, it was something everyone agreed upon. The Kingdom needed a Luna Queen and Delia was a kind woman. There was a grand ceremony for our marriage and even though no one was rejoicing, we were all at peace that all the sides were satisfied with her.

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