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Keith wanted Lance to cuddle, but it was a bad idea with his temperature, so Keith eventually agreed to Lance sitting by him in the chair, gripping his hand. Keith couldn't sleep.

"I think your hair is cute," Lance noted, pushing a tuff of it out of Keith's face. "And your face."

Keith rolled his eyes, but smirked, "I think your eyes are beautiful."

This made Lance blush red as a tomato and he covered his face, "No, stop, I'm complimenting you! You have to wait your turn."

"Stop being a baby," Keith replied.

Lance sighed and chuckled, "Keith, are you sure you even like me?"

Keith frowned at that, "I don't lie about my feelings, Lance."

Lance frowned back, "I know. It just seems like an unlikely case to me."

Keith sighed, "Lance, you're stressing me out."

"Sorry," he immediately apologized. "Try to sleep again? You need it."

"You do too," Keith noted.

Lance nodded, "You're right. We both can sleep then."

Keith nodded slightly, "Goodnight, Lance."

Lance smiled, laying his head on Keith's hand, "Night, Keith."

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