1 - Prologue

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Keith cried out in pain, growling and gritting his teeth. He gasped when the dagger was pulled from his flesh, leaving his wound open. He didn't even look at who had stabbed him before crumbling to the ground. He didn't even notice his teammates scream his name as he touched the blood oozing from his suit, growing more and more light-headed, wincing when he's fingers grazed his skin.

Keith groaned, his eyes falling half-lidded. His muscles were relaxing, even though he was screaming at himself to get up, they felt on fire. His teammates had his back, maybe they could... carry him back to the castle...

It'd be fine if he... closed his eyes... for a minute...

His vision was so blurred after a moment that he couldn't make out Lance crouching in front of him. He couldn't tell that Lance and Shiro were hoisting the boy up with their shoulders and carrying him back to Lance's lion.


"Keith? Keith? Can you hear me?"

Keith groggily opened his eyes and then shut them immediately. He groaned, irritated that a bright light was flashing into them.

"Keith, how are you feeling?" Coran asked.

Keith hunched over as an attempt to sit up, but groaned loudly upon feeling a terrible sensation in his abdomen.

"I feel... ow..." Keith let out. "Weak."

"That's not unusual. But rest assured, young paladin, you are in safe hands!" Coran rubbed his hands for effect.

"Yeah, Coran's hands," Pidge noted, sarcasm dripping.

"Wh-what even happened?!" Keith complained.

"You were injured in our recent battle against Lotor's forces," Shiro pipes in. "And for right now, you'll be sitting the next few battles out."

Keith felt a wave of nausea and decided not to complain. He looked around the room, seeing everyone but Lance--Keith rolled his eyes internally, Of course.

But then, a thought struck him, "Wait.. can't I just... go into the healing pods?"

Allura sighed, "Sorry, Keith. The pods are down for maintenance, they were damaged during the fight."

Keith nodded slightly, "Yay me."


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