Chapter 29

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Aria's POV
Two months. It's been two months since Ross fell into a coma. Two long depressing months. I visit him everyday but still nothing has changed.
I sit in the car with my mom while we drive to the hospital. I plug my earbuds in and listen to, I like me better, by Lauv.

Tears go down my face as the thoughts of Ross dying came to my head once again like have been for that past two months. I felt the car stop as my mom turned her head to look at me.
"Come on sweetie" she looked horrible, her eyes were red and puffy from crying but also she had bags under her eyes. These past two months have been rough for her, I mean her son has been in a coma for two months.

We walked into the hospital and went to the same room we unfortunately have been going to everyday for two months. We haven't heard any good news, he is still the same and me and mom have been waiting for good news to report to dad, who only visits him every once and a while considering he has work.

As for Jasper, my cousins and my friends, well they have been with me through all of this, except my cousins obviously. Yes, they are unfortunately still living with us and they really don't care what happened and what is going to happen to Ross. Extremely rude, I know.

Jasper and my friends visit him everyday also but it's after me and my mom visit. They will come over and be there for me but it's still hard, I know they are trying to help but nothing will fix my broken heart.

Mom and I walk into Ross, yes fortunately they let two go in at a time now. Mom pulled up two chairs next to Ross's bed. We both sat in silence as we held his hand.
"Mom? Do you think he'll ever wake up?" I turned my head as tears stained my cheeks.

"I don't know honey" she replied with a sad look. As much as I hate that answer I know that she didn't want to lie to me and tell me he would, incase he doesn't.
"I'll let you spend some time with him" my mom got up and walked out of the room.

"Ross please, please, wake up!" I cried the same sentence for that past two months thinking something with happen. I've been praying everyday that God will bless us and let him live, hoping that he actually will bless us and he will wake up.

Suddenly, I felt his hand twitch.
"Ross?" I whispered
But he continued to sit there lifeless, my hopes went up and quickly deflated.
I sat there for a few more minutes before I saw what looked like Ross moving.

"Ross?" I asked again except a little louder.
"Hey baby sister" he smiled
"ROSS! OH MY GOSH, ROSS YOUR ALIVE! MOM HE'S ALIVE!" Instantly the door flew open and my mom ran in.

"ROSS!" she cried as she walked over to him and gave his a light hug.
Suddenly, his smile turned into confusion.
"How long have I been here? Wait what happened?"
"There was a school shooting two months ago at the school and you got shot" my mom explained.

"I've been in here for two months?!?" Ross exclaimed.
"Yes, and we have been waiting for you to wake up, you were in a coma" I said
"Damn, ok" he replied
"Ok, I'm going to get a doctor" my mom said as she walked out of the room.

"So how are you and Jasper?" My brother asked.
"Ok, first, if you haven't noticed I have dark circles under my eyes, so not I'm not good, my brother has been in a coma for two months, second, Jasper has been here for me during all of this, even if it couldn't fix my broken heart, third, that's the question you ask right when you wake up?" I laughed

"Yep" he said popping the 'p' "so y'all ain't good?"
"Obviously, dude you have been in a coma for two months I haven't slept well, I barley eat, and I can't focus in school!" I said in a 'duh' tone.

"Oh, I'm sorry that I put you through that" he frowned
"It's not your fault"
The door opened and mom and a doctor walked in. She checked him out and turned to us.
"So he will be able to go home in a couple of days to a week"

"Ok" my mom and I sighed, said our goodbyes and left.
We got and the car feeling way better than when we first arrived.
"Ok let me call your dad and tell him, then we can go to Freddy's and invite Jasper and your friends to tell them"

"Hey dear"
"what happened, is he...he..." my dad trailed off.
"No, he's alive, and we will be able to take him home in a few days to a week" my mom said, the excitement clear on her voice.

"Oh thank God!" my dad said
"Ok, well I'm gonna go because we are going to meet up with his friends and tell them" she hung up the phone and called everyone else to meet us a Freddy's.

Once we arrived, we got out of the car and walked into Freddy's. We looked around to see if we could see Jasper or my friends. Once we spotted them, we ordered our food and sat down at our table and waited for our food.

"So what's the news?" Layla frowned
"Well, he's alive and he will be able to come home in a few days to a week.
Instant smiles spread on their faces
"He's alive!" Jasper said, I mean he is his best friend, he also has had problems with Ross, when we started going out, so for him to be alive is happy news, considering he can talk to him more and spend time with him so their friendship won't end.

It wasn't long before the shooting that Ross forgave Jasper and allowed us to date, so they were still a little on the edge when interacting with each other.

Suddenly, we heard our number being called.
He's alive, he's actually alive! I thought as we walked up to get our food.
I want to know if you guys want me to write a book about Ross's love life, comment if you do!

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