Chapter 11

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It's been a long day and I have done absolutely nothing. I really wanted to go see Jasper and talk to him but my brother was home. I decided that I would go out, by myself with no one.

I hopped in the Jeep and drove to the little town near our cabin. When I got there I could see all of the stores and restaurants lined up like a walkway through the town. I thought about going to a shop where there are clothes because I really wanted some new clothes.

As I walked into the store I bumped into someone.
"Oh! I'm so sorry!" the lady said.
"No, no I should be sorry I didn't watch where I was going"
"Oh no your fine, I'm so sorry I should have introduced myself, I'm Guinevere but you can call me Gwen for short"
"I'm Aria! Nice to meet you"
"I know this is kind of weird since we just met but you want to hang for the day?"
"Oh yes!" I smiled

"Ok so I came here to shop for some clothes that I really want, what about you" Gwen asked
"I came here because I wanted to find some comfy clothes and maybe a few party outfits or something because I'm not really a fan of dresses" I replied
"Oh this is going to be fun!" she said and was definitely not wrong.

First I went to get some hoodies, bras, leggings and sweats. Then I went to look for some party outfits or just some cute outfits. I found one that was perfect some light colored jeans, a black spaghetti strap tank top, a black purse, and some black high healed boots.

 I found one that was perfect some light colored jeans, a black spaghetti strap tank top, a black purse, and some black high healed boots

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I walked out of the changing room to show Gwen.
"Girl I just want to say you have a wonderful body and that outfit looks perfect on you!" she jumped up and down excitedly, "I just got some bras leggings and some T-shirt's" she added.

We walked to the cashier and we put our stuff on the counter.
"Hi ladies, how are you guys doing?" the cashier asked
"Good" both replied
"Ok what should we do next?" Gwen asked after we checked out.
"You want to eat somewhere?"
"Yes!" she smiled

We walked around the town until we found a Mexican place.
"Ooo, I loved Mexican food!" Gwen said
"Oh my gosh same!" I said back
We both looked at each other,
"Let's do it!" we said at the same time
We walked in their and sat down.
"So what are you getting?" I asked Gwen
"I'm getting some beans and rice and a taco, what about you?"
"I'm getting 2 Enchiladas and some chips and salsa" I smiled, "I love enchiladas!"

We ordered our food and drinks. While we were eating Gwen asked me,
"So tell me about yourself"
"Well I'm 17, I live here in Colorado and I'm in a little cabin in the mountains for my birthday, I have one brother and yeah that's kind of it, and you?"

"I'm 17 and I live here in Colorado and I have one brother, that's it really, how old is your brother?"
"He's 18"

Once we finished eating we went around the town for the rest of the day and got to know each other better. She was really nice and I liked her.
"Hey, so I forgot to ask you this but is the cabin your staying in a dark brown?" Gwen asked
"Yeah, why?"
"Do you know the road to get to that cabin has another cabin close to it?"
"Yes" I said confused
"That's the cabin I'm staying in!"
"Wait really!" I smile
"Yep, and I'm having a party there tonight if you want to come"
"Ok see you tonight" I said

I drove back to the cabin really excited about the party tonight. I walked back into the cabin to see the boys watching tv and my parents, I have no idea where they are.

"Hey Aria, where have you been?"
"Hey Ross, I was in town getting some new clothes, I also met a new friend there"
Instantly Ross shot up, "Is it a boy!?"
"No, but even if it was you can't control my life so it wouldn't matter anyway" me and Jasper look at each other.

I walk off to my room to get ready for the party tonight putting on the new outfit I bought today. I put some light make up on, did my hair then went downstairs.
"Umm, where are you going?" Ross asked me
"None of your business"
"Yes it is"
"You know what fine I'm going to a party and your not gonna stop me, so get the hell over it"
"Oh no your not" Ross starts quickly walking toward me but then Jasper holds him back
"Man, chill out if she wants to go to a party let her, we don't want her here anyway" Jasper looked sadly into my eyes as he said that as I walked out and left.

When I got there it smelled like alcohol, I hated that smell. I looked for Gwen and found her drinking and talking to a boy.
"Hey Gwen"
"He- wait what's your name again?"
"Oh your drunk aren't you"
"Hell yeah I am" Gwen took another drink from her cup.

"Come on let's dance!" I yelled over the music to Gwen.
Jasper's POV
I told Ross I was going out for a ride on my motorcycle, but I'm actually going to a party. I walked into the house and the smell of alcohol hit me. I walked over to the table to get some drinks when someone caught my eye. Aria! What the hell is she doing here?

I walked over to her while she was with someone.
"Hey Aria"
"Jasper what are you doing here!?"
"I didn't know you were going to be here, I got invited by a guy I met in town"
"What was his name?" the girl dancing with her asked
"Daniel" I replied
"Oh yeah that's my brother, hi I'm Gwen and how do you know my friend Aria here?"
"Umm well it's kind of a long story maybe sometime else" Aria said

We were there for a while and Aria ended up going home pretty early, but I stayed so that Ross wouldn't be convinced that me and Aria were together.
"So how do you know Aria?" Gwen walked up to me.
"I'm, uh, her brothers best friend"
"Ooo, are y'all dating?"
"Honestly I don't know it's complicated, her brother won't let me be around her so we have to act like we hate each other, but when we are alone with him gone we do things together. I really want to be with her but her brother is in our way" I said

"You know what I think, I think that you should hide your relationship from him and if he finds out tell him the truth"
"Ok thanks but I better head back now" I said.
"Ok bye"

As I drove home I was think about how I would ask Aria to be my girlfriend tomorrow. I need to do something special for her.
Aria's POV
When I got home I played a few games on my laptop and then got ready for bed. I went to bed thinking about Jasper once again.

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