Chapter 26

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Aria's POV
I shot up from my bed when he said that. He's knows. Shit, what do I do?
"Um, I-I wh-what?" I said acting dumb.
"Aria? Are you cutting yourself?" tears welled up in his eyes as he said that.

"N-no, I fell" I lied, it hurt me knowing that he was crying over me.
"Aria, your are beautiful and you have an amazing personality, why would you cut yourself?" tears flowed down his cheek, more and more coming.

"I-I, I'm sorry" I started crying, "I just thought that, t-that everyone w-would be happy i-if I was g-gone, ar-are you m-mad at m-me?" I cried
"Babe, I'm upset that you would cut yourself but I'm not mad at you" Jasper hugged me.

"I'm sorry" I said
"It's fine, as long as you stop cutting yourself"
But come on, we all know I'm not going to stop, I can't.
Today has been a day full of nothing, I haven't gotten up to do anything ever since Jasper figured out what happened last night. I decided to get my lazy ass up and do something. I had to go to school tomorrow, which right now I really didn't want to. I walked downstairs to see the daughter and son of satan.

I jut rolled my eyes and ignored them. I acted like no one was there as I got bowl and cereal out. Yes, I know I eat a lot of cereal.
"Bitch, you gonna talk" Sophie asked
"I don't waste my breath on people like you" I replied as she just huffed and stomped away to her room.

I really wish Jasper was here but his family came back while I was on lockdown so his family has been back for a while now.
"Don't talk to my sister like that" Justin growled. I just rolled my eyes
"I couldn't give one shit about your sister so I can say whatever the hell I want to say to her"

"You should give a shit bout her because she's your cousin, and so am I"
"Well you guys don't treat me like I'm your cousin, so if y'all die I ain't coming to the funeral" he just stared at me and I decided I wasn't going to deal with this shit and walked upstairs.

It was now the end of the day and I got ready for bed. I closed my eyes not wanting to go to school tomorrow.
I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I groaned as I got up to get ready for school. I walked downstairs to see my parents, cousins, and Ross standing there waiting for me? Once I got to the bottom of the stairs, my mom said something that I never wanted to hear,
"Your cousins will be going to the same school as you now, their parents thought it would be better for them"

I looked at her, my face full of shock.
"What's wrong slut, don't want your cousins in the same school as you?" I didn't reply I was too shocked to say anything. First, I have Whitney, now I have my cousins?!? This is a bunch of bullshit. She's joking right, gosh please tell me she's joking!

As if Justin read my thoughts, he said,
"No, they aren't joking" shit, shit, shit!
"Whatever" I finally replied as if I didn't care. I ate my breakfast and walked out the door.
"Oh and honey, you'll be taking them to school!" my mom yelled.
"I'm not taking those bitches to school, in my car!" I yelled back

"In a car that I bought for you, yes you are!" I tugged my hair in anger. I'm beyond pissed. First, she lets them stay with us, then has them coming to our school, lastly, she's making me take them to school! I really don't thinks she gives two shits about how they treat me.

Once I got in my car I waited for them to get in my car. I rolled my eyes as I saw them smirking in the seats behind me. I drove off to school completely ignoring their looks.

Once we got to school and I stopped the car, I instantly looked back at them,
"Get the hell out of my car!" I yelled
"No" Justin replied
"Get you lazy ass out of my car before I cut off your balls" I said to Justin who looked worried and got out.

"And you get out before I shave off your head so you won't have your precious hair anymore" if I didn't tell you Sophie loves her hair, if anyone touches it, your dead, but she knows that when I say that, I mean it.

Ross just stared at me,
"What the hell do you want, get out" I rolled my eyes. Once he got out I sat in my seat with my head in my hands. Gosh, this is going to be a long day. I walked out of my car to my locker and got my things ready for class.

As I was walking to my first class, a hand grabbed my wrist. I turned around knowing exactly who that person was.
"Hey, babe" Jasper said
"Hi" I kissed him on the cheek
"Why did I just see your cousins here"
"Well unfortunately for me, their parents want them to go to this school so here they are" I said

"Oh great, now I have Whitney and Sophie to worry about" Jasper groaned
We walked to our first class and sat down. I took out my note book and wrote all the notes down that the teacher was writing in the board.

This class is very boring and I would be doodling in my note book instead, but I still want to keep my good grades so I don't do that. Just then the door opened and two figures walked in standing side by side. Oh gosh, please no.
"Why are you two late?" Mrs Applebum asked.

"Oh well, I was giving our new student a tour of the school" Whitney said
"Oh yes! Our new student, what's your name?" Mrs Applebum smiled

"Sophie, Sophie Williams"

Shit! Please tell me they did not just become best friends!
I know this it's a pretty boring chapter but hope you enjoyed it anyway!

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