72. Invasion

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Allystar (Crazy Uncle)'s POV

I paced back and forth on the top of the stairs, but there was no movement along the driveway. I pulled out the demon tacker I had made, and they continued getting closer to my current position. My brother ran out of the house still trying to get his legs into his pants, and he was closely followed by his soulmate who had forgotten to button the top of his wrinkled shirt. Ew, don't wanna think about that. "Where are they?" Alex questioned once his bottoms were on.

"I don't know, they should be here by now. Lincoln was supposed to be flooring it to get to that school." Said warlock's wife came out of the house also looking for her husband, but she stilled at the revelation that they weren't here yet.

"Where are the demons?"

"They're close... Gaining ground towards us. I'd give it five minutes..."

Suddenly, my brother's phone began to chirp loudly, and he picked it up on speaker. "Hello, who is this?"

"This is Newfolk Hospital, there's been an accident." All of us looked at each other in shock, and I checked my phone to see the demons approaching dangerously.

"What kind of accident?"

"A car containing 6 people hit into another at amazing speeds and flipped over five times before landing upside down." Jesus Christ. "This was the first number in the only compatible phone, so we called it."

"Thank you for informing us... Are they okay?"

"There's 3 in the ICU and 3 are passed out in the regular area. We aren't sure about those in ICU, but the others should be just fine." While the doctor was talking, I heard a ping on my device and lifted it to see that demons were in the state. Oh dear lord. I held up the screen so my brother could see, and his eyes widened as we realized how dangerous this was going to be for just the four of us to handle.

"Alright, thank you!" Alex slammed the hang up button, and he turned to me with fear in his gaze. "What do we do?"

"I know he's old, but... We might have to get dad. He doesn't have magic, but he has a calm aura that can ground us if we have to use ours again."

"I'll go bother him!" When my brother ran away, I began to tap my foot. We're in the weeds if he can't return before the demons get here. He returned with our father and his soulmates mere seconds before the demons hit, and I just knew that we were way out of our depth. Then I realized that this was just wave one. Yeah, this is gonna be difficult with just the 5 of us we currently have. I pulled my spear from the sheath on my back and placed it threateningly in front of me, but none of them seemed phased when the massive wave ran us over. I swung the weapon wildly, but it wasn't catching anyone as I was swarmed around.

"Your highness, you should retreat! There's no chance without the children here!" Ever since that fateful day at age 18, I had been in tune with anyone stuck on earth. They're helpful in times like this, but annoying at others. At least everyone got used to me talking to myself all the time, but I can appear crazy to outsiders. Especially when they make me do the grocery shopping! The dude talking to me is like a royal adviser of sorts, so I was supposed to listen to the idiot.

"They'll hurt everyone!"

"You can't die, you're important in this war as well. Leave and live to fight another day, or die and have to watch as the world ends in the afterlife. It's your choice."


I made a demon kabob on my way to find the other idiots I had drug out here, and I had found three out of four before there was a loud explosion. My eyes caught the fire, and it now brought back two memories. Hey, at least it's just the forest this time. The final ally sprinted towards us, and we ran out of the battle field together. I hope that the pack house is okay, but that isn't the point now. I was suddenly glad that Vic, my soulmate, had gone off for the major amount of snacks I eat at the local Walmart. They look at him like he has fifteen heads whenever he walks in because who buys 200 dollars worth of junk food every week? Me. What can I say? Boys gotta eat!

As we ran, I heard this blood cuddling scream that made my head whip around, and I saw that my father had been caught by one of the demons. I took a moment to kiss one of my spears goodbye before throwing it roughly into the demon's right eye. It hit its mark, and my old man fell down into the leaves as the demon fell backwards. As soon as he caught his breath, he took off running again like the rest of us, and I ended up at the rear making sure that no one got too close.

As soon as we hit the town, it was easy to lose the attacking forces in the streets, but I knew we were damning the citizens of this town... It's going to be hard to keep the supernatural community in the dark after this stunt. I remembered where the human hospital was in this place and directed everyone there from the back of the group until we finally reached the steps in front of it.

"I have never been here before," Alex confirmed while walking up with concrete slabs.

"I have, you don't really want to. It's really white and loud," Ash responded while wrapping an arm around my brother. We entered just as they got some call about locking down the hospital, and we were whisked off to one of our friend's rooms while everything was being closed. Let's just hope that the defences are enough to keep out the demons. I'm gonna throw it out there that I really hope that Vic is okay, and I'm about to beat some demon butt cheeks if he isn't.

When the doctor pushed us into a room before closing the door and locking it behind us, I stumbled a bit before getting rightened by my brother, and I recognize us to be in my nephew's room. He didn't seem to have very many injuries, so that was good. No offense to the kid, but he was naturally weaker than the rest of us. His physique isn't the best, but it isn't entirely his fault that he's weaker. He also didn't grow up knowing that he was going to be in out world, so he didn't train relentlessly like the rest of us in his youth. He had a minor scratch on his temple and his arms and calves were cut up pretty badly, but he seemed to get it the best. At least, I assume so if three others are in ICU. I have to wonder who's where, yet now isn't the time for that. Let's just hope that they all wake up...

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