51. Caught

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Oliver's POV

I teleported before my dad could hit me again, but it didn't feel right to leave Dev all alone with him. Whatever, I need to get help, and I can only think of one earthly place. Oh man they're going to kill me.

The sun was rising on the horizon while I walked, and it was kind of hard to figure out where I'm going. Suddenly, I stepped on something, and I found myself flung into the air. I don't have time for this!

"Southern side intruder trap was set off," someone whispered, but I could hear them clearly. I've wandered into someone's territory, and this won't be pretty. I laid down in the net that hung from a tree, and I awaited my certain doom. I'm sorry, Dev; I failed you. I'm going to die to whoever I just ran into, and you're going to have a premature death to my dumbass father.

Suddenly, the net came hurtling back down to the forest floor, and I hit the ground with a loud smack. There were feet in front of my face, and I would have teleported out of there except that this net thing won't let me use magic. "What's a demon doing on our land, Ally?"

When I looked up slightly, I realized that this dude has a whole bunch of ghosts floating around him... Stupid mediums. "Hell if I know. Why are you here!?"

When the crazy medium man spoke, he turned a sort of lengthy spear that I recognized could kill me at my nose. "Can we please not be too hasty and watch where you're pointing that thing?"

"Never trust a demon. Just tell me what you're doing on my pack's land, and we won't be having a bad day, m'kay?"

"I'm attempting to save someone, and time is of the essence. I didn't realize that this was your area, I apologize."

"A polite demon is a first... Now what do you really want?"

"I swear I'm being honest, please! I need to save him."

"Who exactly are you saving, demon scum?"

"My boyfriend, sir."

"Said like you actually have a heart."

"I don't have time for this."

His weapon poked slightly into my skin, and I could feel the toxins messing with my mind. "I'll let my brother deal with you, it's his land."

I was lead through the forest with the ever present spear right behind my back, and I was just hoping that Dev got away from my father before it's too late. I was pushed down in a room so small that I hardly fit, and a door closed behind my feet. It was a few minutes before a door opened again, but this one was on the other side of some reenforced glass.

Medium man's weapon poked through the glass, and I could feel the anger in his voice when he spoke again. "Hurt my brother, and this spear will drive right through your head."

"Yes sir."

Footsteps approached the glass, and I heard a nearly silent gasp somewhere above me. I knew I would be impaled if I even moved my head slightly, so I simply allowed my eyes to trail up the person on the opposite side of the glass. The man had crouched down closer to my level, and I realized that I was face to face with Devon's normal father. You know, the one that doesn't want to fucking kill me.

"Why are you here?"

"Alex you know the demon?"

"Shut up Allystar for two seconds, please. Where is he?"

"I was trying to find you, my father took him. Please I need your help!"

"Fine, but only for my son. Ally get the group together."

"What am I missing here?"

"Just follow the instructions, there isn't time to waste."

I sat up, but the spear hadn't been removed. Suddenly, I had a large scrape down my right arm that was burning like a bitch. "Mother–" I shouted, yet I bit my lip before the curse could leak out.

"Uh, is that going to kill you?"

"Depends on how much it's comprised of steel. It isn't deadly in small amounts or if we touch it, but it attacks demon blood. Extremely painful, and deadly if it gets to my heart. Even though it doesn't exactly beat, it's still the center of my body, so taking steel to it is like injecting poison into any normal person." I pulled the spear out of the wall before using it to get out of my glass case, but it was hard to focus from the throbbing of my arm.

"Is there anything I can do to help? As much as I don't like you, I think it would hurt my son if you were to die."

"Get me plain tap water and a rag."

The older man scurried out of the room, so I sat down on a small plastic chair. The world was rolling slightly from the wound, but I could push through the pain. I have to, for Devon. "Here you go." I took the rag out of the older man's hand before dipping the fabric into the water. As soon as the rag touched my skin, I realized that something is up.

"Than– Gosh, what is that!" Somehow the water made my skin sizzle more, and it even made me short of breath.

"We're going to be saving my son by ourselves while you take a nice long nap, okay?" When I looked deeply into the eyes the man, I realized that he had been possessed by one of my father's men.

"You aren't going to get away with this; the medium will notice."

"He's too stupid."

The pain traveled up my body towards my torso, and I couldn't help but think that this is it. This is the end of my life. The world began to fade in and out, and I slumped forward when I didn't have the ability to support my weight anymore. Everything around me was both too cold and too hot at the exact same time, but I know I need to hold on. "Kvtu mfu ju hp, Qsjodf Pmjwfs." (Just let it go, Prince Oliver)

"Zpv xpo'u hfu bxbz xjui ugjt." (You won't get away with this.)

Suddenly, this horrid ringing began in my ears, and I flung my hands over them to no avail. The sudden movement had me falling out of my chair, and I curled up into a ball on the ground as soon as I hit. There was a loud bang above my head, and I could hear a body hit the floor. "Sorry, 'Lex!" Crazy medium man grabbed onto my wounded arm, and I couldn't help but groan aloud at the contact. "Yeah, I know."

The cooling sensation of the cure chased the burning of steel, and I was glad that it stopped the steel just before it got to my heart. I took in gasping breaths, but I cringed into my skin when Dev's adoptive brother asked, "What's up with him?"

"'Lex got possessed and stabbed him I think. I don't know, but the fact that he was attacked to almost die tells me that he isn't on the same side as our enemies. Otherwise, he wouldn't get impaled for trying to save your brother."

"Right, well when is he going to be able to leave?"

"We'll be leaving in 3 hours with or without him; there's no time to wait."

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