60. Lunch with an Apology

Start from the beginning

I can feel myself shaking. I don't want to cause an unnecessary scene here. I roll my shoulders trying to relieve the built up tension. This lunch is becoming slowly overwhelming.

I push my half eaten plate of food forward and keep my eyes locked on her waiting for her to finish her rant.

"Don't look at me like that Cohen. Just like you said were adults and I can say what I want. I know it's not what you want to hear-."

"Not what I want to hear..." I scoff.
"You're literally sitting here happy about not being a mother you should've been to me and Liam. You and dad threw money and whatever you thought we wanted at us but in all actuality we needed you guys. Or even just you." My words leave my lips heatedly. My chest is rising and falling but I keep my voice raises. Thank god we're sitting towards the back of the restaurant.

She blinks at me and says nothing. This is why I didn't want to get into the past. I don't like bringing it up if I don't have to. I should just forget about the ring at the rate this lunch is going.

"That's completely fair." Her words shock me.

I raise my eyebrows not knowing what to say. I surely thought this was heading into a fight.

"It's true. That's what I was getting to. Even with everything your father and I have succeeded in and accomplishments we have, we did fail. We failed in the most important way.

Ever since I saw you at the wedding reception and you could barley stand to be around us. Seeing that you wanted us to have nothing to do with you or Everly made me step back and realize I had completely lost you.

I lost my son. It's all my fault. You went through hell and came back. You have become one of the best men I know. Better then your own father.

I know I can't take back the past. All I can do is apologize and right my wrongs. I want to be around more. I love being around you and your brother and now these beautiful women you both have."

I'm in complete shock. Did the woman who never wanted to be around, only when money was involved just apologize to me?

My shoulders sag against the padded wooden chair. I can feel the heat from her gaze on my awestruck face but I keep my head down looking at the satin black tablecloth.

I have so many questions. Why did it take for me to be twenty-seven years old for her to realize this? How come the change of heart? Why not sooner? The questions are swirling and my stomach is aching while my head is becoming dizzy.

"Drink some of your water. You look like you're about to pass out." She slides my glass closer towards me.

I guzzle down the rest of my lemon water settling me just a little.

"I know you need time Cohen. I'm not expecting you to forgive me and let me in right away. I'm just asking for a chance. I'm not letting your father's ignorance keep me away."

So she must know about the small chat he and I had last night.

"This means a lot mom. I truly does. I just need time, that's all I ask. You guys have been gone for so long it'll be something new to get used to. I want you to get to know Everly and I better. I really do appreciate you accepting her and not being like dad."
That's all I can manage to comment. I'm still processing all of this.

"I understand. Just know I want to be around more even if your father disapproves of her. I could careless she's a beautiful girl. Just right for you." She smiles.

Thinking of Ev instantly brings my mood up. She's my light through anything.

"Well that's also why I needed to talk to you today. She's the one mom. I know for a fact she's it and I'm going to propose to her tomorrow. I just need a ring."

The gasp that leaves her makes me smile.
"I was wondering why I didn't see a ring on her finger already!"

I chuckle at her excitement. I would've put a ring on it a long ass time ago if I could.

"The perfect ring for her isn't in the store. The ring that I know fits her perfectly is grandma's and I wanted to give it to her since Liam passed up the opportunity."

Her hand is covering her mouth and her eyes are watering. This is not the reaction I thought she would have.

"I'd be so happy if you proposed with my mother's ring. Oh. You got me all chocked up and emotional."

The relief that feels me when fills my whole body. I laugh as she wipes off the few tears streaming down her cheeks.

I'm officially ready to propose to my girl.

"Thank you so much. Liam has it so I'll be getting it today and Sunday night I'll be proposing. Would you like to be there?"

She grips her damp napkin from her tears in her lap and nods her head yes.
" I wouldn't miss it."


A/N :

It's been a LONG time and I'm sorry.
Since the last chapter this book has hit over a year In The making ! One whole year !

It's become bigger than I ever expected it to be and that's all thanks to all of you incredible people. I appreciate all the love and support so much.

My life is starting to slow down a bit here soon so more writing will be coming.

Thank you again.
Love S.T 💕

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