thirty two.

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Mr cliche
Gets away with it

Armani's thoughts

"Ou I can not wait to pick out dresses!"

I nodded absentmindedly, while holding my phone against my ear. I was seated at the back of an Uber, on my way to Sebastian's when I received a call from my mother. She had received an email about the dance which didn't stop her from immediately contacting me about the details. Her excitement inclined further when I confessed to her that I had a date, being her oh so charming Sebastian.

"Yeah it's great.."

"Or I could give you my old dress, since the colour scheme is red and black! I swear you'll love it, I had it on when my size was still a lil smaller yknow so I think it'll look amazing on you"

I couldn't help but chuckle at my mothers excited rant. She treated this whole dance as if it were my wedding day.

"I'll uh..check it out when I get back from Sebastian's okay?"

I heard my mother sigh at the other end of the call, presumably disappointed that she couldn't continue speaking of the dance. I swear she acts like a teenager sometimes.

"Fine..don't come home too late now, you know your curfew"

"Yes mama, I'll see you at six—"

"Make it five thirty, cuz after digging up this dress I really want you to try it! Oh my goodness I am so excited!"

With the light noise of the end call chime, I shook my head more to myself than my mother. Myself; because I let all this get this far and after Lamar and I spoke, there's no stopping this..




I shut the door of Lamar's passenger, kicking myself for not running out of the gate when I had the chance. I zoned out of my thoughts when I heard Lamar's driver door shut, then his eyes turned to me. His beautiful chocolate maple syrup eyes that I could stare at all day, but unfortunately in this moment..I could not.

"What's good ma, I been lookin for you all day"

I shifted my eyes towards his cupholder where my gloss had sat lazily. It then dawned on me that I had left it a while back.

Look at me..leaving my mark in my man's car and he ain't even bothered to hide it. So cute..

"Uhm nah, what had happened was..yknow the thing— the play, that I been writin has been keeping me busy so I didn't have time to chill and shit"

I couldn't see Lamar's movement's as I felt that looking at him in his eyes could make me explode in the flames on my own secrets. I could tell he was nodding at my response though.

"Okay..well, are you okay? You seem weird"

I scoffed, fiddling with my fingers.

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