twenty nine.

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Mr clichés

S E B A S T I A N'S  M I N D


I blinked immediately as I uttered those words, staring up at Armani. She stood a few stairs above me, almost making the whole interaction seem cinematic. might be asking how on earth I got here..

How I got to asking this question ..

Especially since I'm not one to give a fuck about such instances. Well, it all began like so;


3 hours earlier



I groaned, sitting up from my bed as my alarm blasted through my phone. My lips curled in distaste as the bitter acidic residue of last nights alcohol lingered in my mouth. After Mani's project visit; I had felt a tad After our weird behavior and her rushed exit, it left my mind stirring. I hate when I think a lot so I thought it'd be best if I drank the whole bottle of sweet rosé and let the consequences hit afterwards— boy did I regret the decision now.

After a quick cold shower and energy drink chug; I leapt into the front seat of my rather cold leather seated Tesla. I quickly turned on the heater, blowing into my palms to produce heat at my now paper white hands. It was a cold Tuesday and judging by the grey clouds and swaying trees; it was bound to rain.

Sighing in relief at the now warm seat; I started the ignition and backed out of the driveway. I watched heavens gates close as i made my way to the place I so dreaded..

Just a few months..and I'm out of here and on the road to Manhattan. With the monthly allowances my parents gave me; I saved enough to have purchased a private property there. They don't know about it though, they think -much like financially advanced children my age- I would've spent my allowances recklessly on private clubs and the next brand that made it all over social media.

Little did they know they had unintentionally helped pave a path to my escape. To their knowledge; they think I wanna study photography there, in NYU— it's best I keep them thinking that so when I go; I cut all connections with them and they'll never find me.

I smile at the thought as I chug at my slightly frozen redbull.

My smile soon faded when I made a right into the gates of hell. Manlyn. I nodded at the security as I entered; parking at the student parking lot. I placed the now finished redbull in the cupholder before gently pressing my forehead against my leather steering, my hands gripping each side as I exhaled tiredly.

Come on Seb, you can do's just school. A legal asylum disguised as an educational centre. They promise we're learning new things but I swear each year I've heard the same topic be taught, just with more work.

My attention quickly swept away when I heard a bunch of high pitched screams emit, making my ears burn. I looked up and to my dismay;

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