"The situations our fans find themselves in," Louis laughs, walking onto the bus.

"FOOD!" Niall yells, jumping off of the couch across from the door. Laughing, I hand him the bags of food, and he places them on the table.

We sit at either the table or the couch and eat our food as the bus leaves the parking lot. "Mates, when we get to St. Louis tomorrow, we will be going directly to the venue to get ready for the gig," Simon explains in-between bites. "We are only in St. Louis for one day, and then we are off again, so we need to make it smooth."

"Sounds like a plan captain," Louis replies with a mouth full of food.

"For me, am I just taking as many pictures as I can?" I ask Simon, who had just taken a significant bite of his burger.

After finishing chewing, he says, "yeah, anything that you can capture is great; there are obviously no more challenges, so just used what you learned from those to gather shots of the lads."

"Perfect," I exclaim.

After finishing our late dinner, the boys and I headed back into the far room to chill and play video games. We were in the middle of a Mario Kart race when I got a call from my mother. "Shit, I have to take this," I say, throwing my controller to Liam, who wasn't playing. "Hey, Mum!"

"Hey sweetie, I am sorry I know it is late, I just wanted to see how you were doing," she says through the phone. I check the time, 1 am, I didn't even realize it was that late.

"It's alright, Mum, I wasn't sleeping anyway," I reply, and then I realized I hadn't told anyone about what had happened tonight. "I have good news."


"Yeah, it turns out that the girl I was competing against was a conniving bitch, and she got kicked out, so I won," I explained, and I could hear her scream with excitement through the phone.

"Oh, honey, I am so happy for you! Guess that means you aren't coming home anytime soon, huh?"

"No, I am sorry."

"That is quite alright hun, I am just happy you found something you love to do," she replies and then pauses, "I have an idea," she finally says.

"Yeah? What's your idea?" I ask right as the race finishes, and boys turn their attention to me.

"When does the tour end?" She asks, and I turn to the boys.

"When's tour end?" I repeat the question while putting my phone on speaker mode.

"Middle of August, I am pretty sure," Niall replies as the boys look at me, confused.

"Why don't you all come up to our family cottage for a nice break afterwards?" My mother suggests, and all of the boy's eyes go wide.

"Can we invite our girlfriends to come over too?" Liam asks, moving closer to me and the phone so he can hear better.

"I am perfectly okay with that; however, a couple of you will have to sleep in a tent because there aren't enough beds."

"I am okay with that," Liam replies with a big smile on his face.

"Thank you, Mrs. Carter, this is going to be something incredible to look forward to!" Niall said, smiling at me.

"Yes, thank you, Mrs. Carter," Harry and Louis both say together as Lou pulls out his phone, probably to text Eleanor.

"You are more than welcome boys, any kind of work is stressful, so having something relaxing to look forward to when it is all done is nice." My mother replies. "Alright Char, I am gonna try to get some sleep, keep me updated on what's going on down there, love you."

"Will do, mum, love you too!" I reply before hanging up the phone.

I put my phone down on the table in front of me, and the boys continue to look at me, "Your mother is the best," Liam exclaims with a big smile.

"So, where is your cottage located?" Harry asks, pulling out his phone.

"If you are wondering if it's near Muskoka, it's in the opposite direction," I explain, "But I am not telling ya where it is you'll have to wait, but you won't have to worry about anyone noticing you that's for sure."

Niall puts his arm around me, "well, I am looking forward to spending some relaxing time with you once this is all over," he whispers in my ear as my face turns bright red.

"Nialler," I reply shyly as all the boys are staring at us. However, Niall had not cared; he kissed my cheek before grabbing his phone out of his pocket.

We proceeded to spend the rest of the night, chilling and talking about the things we would be doing as the tour continued. But in the back of my mind, I was secretly waiting patiently for tour to end so we all could come together and relax and chill together with no stress.

I cuddled up to Niall, who was playing another round of Mario kart, and I fell asleep dreaming about everything we would be doing at the cottage.

Hello everyone! I know this is a long-awaited chapter that was not very good, but I had no clue how to end this story so this is the best I could do. But this does tie into the next one. I wasn't planning on doing this idea until I visited my cottage 2 weekends ago. I do have another idea for a second story with Charlotte and boys, but I think I am going to give you a couple of chapters of them just relaxing and having fun, not on tour!

I hope you all enjoyed this story! And if you do not want to continue to read the cottage one that is perfectly okay! I am heading to my cottage again on the 1st of July, and I am not sure when I will be uploading the first cottage chapter, but I might make it into a new story so just keep your eyes open if you want to read it!

Thank you for all the support you guys are wonderful! <3 I really hope you enjoyed this story! Thank you again for reading!

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