In your arms | Kirito x Asuna

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Okaasan = Mother

  Kami = God


It was a typically gloomy Monday morning. Kazuto Kirigaya had just finished one of his long University lectures from his mechatronics class and was making his way to where his motorcycle was parked.

Kazuto approaches the car park, lost in thought about what he learned during his lecture. His thoughts are soon interrupted by the sound of a ringtone.

He stops in his tracks while taking his phone out of his pocket to check the caller I.D, which read 'Okaasan'. Seeing as his mother was calling, he answers straight away. 

"Hello, Okaasan?"


His mother spoke in a worried and panicked tone of voice. Upon hearing her voice, Kazuto became instantly concerned.

"Okaasan, is everything okay?"

"Kazuto, did you get any of my messages!?"

"Your messages?"

Remembering he had his phone switched off during his lectures, Kazuto scratches his cheek nervously while replying to his mother.

"I had my phone switched off during lectures, so I wouldn't have gotten any messages till now..."

"Never mind checking them, are you on your way home?!"

"Yeah, I'm just heading to my bike now."

"Honey, you can't come home!"


"You need to hurry to Takaima General hospital!"

Kazuto's body tenses. 

Did something happen to my mother...or Suguha?!

"Okaasan, are you and Suguha alright?!"

"It's not us you need to worry about...I received a call from the hospital earlier, apparently, Asuna had to be taken by ambulance to the hospital!"

Kazuto's eyes widen with horror. 

His heart slowly sinks. 

"W-what happened?! is Asuna alright?!"

His voice was now trembling. 

"They said she had fainted..."


Kazuto's mind is suddenly clouded with thoughts of Asuna collapsing onto the floor in different scenarios, each time calling out for him before she collapses. 

He clenches his teeth while picturing those thoughts. Luckily for Kazuto, his mother is able to snap him back to reality. 

"Kazuto, you need to hurry to check on her, apparently she's there on her own!"

Hearing that Asuna had fainted and was now alone angered Kazuto. He knew Asuna's parents would both be busy at work, but that was no excuse. 

Seriously?! No one from her family decided to check up on her!?...dahm it! I know you're busy with work, but your daughter who fainted is more important! And you call yourself parents?!

"I-I'm sorry, Kazuto, I tried to call earlier but there was no reply...and I tried to reach Asuna's parents, but-"

"It's okay, Okaasan...don't worry, I'll leave straight away..."

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