Alice vs Asuna - chapter 1

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I watched as her pale slim hands were placed upon my shoulders. I feel a weight on my shoulders, a tight grip. I open my eyes.

I feel my eyes widen as I am greeted with an attempt of a kiss. The android had leaned her weight onto me and was about to make the worst mistake she could ever commit.

She inches closer, her silicon lips just centimeters away from mine. I hear her sigh and watch silently as she leaned towards me, now pushing me by my wardrobe's door.

I freeze upon finally realizing the android's motives and softly hold her shoulders back, but before I even attempted to do so, my bedroom door had opened.

My eyes instantly darted to the door. Alice was still leaned into my face, still attempting to have my lips on hers.

There stood by the door was a figure with long chestnut hair, beautiful hazel eyes that one could get lost in and the fairest body figure anyone could ever imagine. It was Asuna. Asuna had stood there and had caught the wrong moment to have had walk in.

"I got you some tea and-"

Crap, Asuna saw!

I can only watch as her once happy smile was now faded into orbit.

I instantly push Alice's hands softly off my shoulders and turn to Asuna, who was stood there-


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