Asuna's magic carpet ride | PART 5

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Within a late afternoon in Tokrabah, I was casually walking around the sultan's palace, looking to see where I could find my princess to tell her the truth, once and for all.

I needed to find Princess Asuna. 

After I had my first kiss with Asuna, the carpet took me back to my room where my genie grinned at me when he saw how happy I was. 

"Good date?" he asks while nudging my shoulder.

"The best," I reply while sighing from the tingling sensation on my lips. 

"Well buddy, have you told her yet?"

I turn my head to the genie and shake my head. 

The genie sighs in disappointment. "Look Kazu buddy, you've won her heart and now-"

"Yeah, but I did that as Prince Kazu, not Kazuto the street rat."

"Look, buddy, I'm just saying that-"

"I don't think I really need to tell her."

The genie raises an eyebrow at this. "No?"

"Nah, I'm Prince Kazu now, no longer a street rat."

The genie nods sarcastically and whistles.

"Look, as long as things keep being this way and I keep pretending, then-"

"How long are you gonna pretend to be someone you're not?" 

I nervously itch my cheek while diverting my eyes away from my genie.

"I was thinking...maybe forever..." I mutter under my sharp breath. 

"My genie flips me off my carpet, I yelp in surprise.

"If you love the princess as much as you say you do..then you should tell her the truth... when she finds out differently in the future, what will you-"

"She's not going to find out I was the street rat who saved her that day at the market, the street rat who had to steal food to survive, the street rat who has no idea how to even be a prince, who's worried he could lose the girl he loves, forever...if she ever finds out the truth..."

The genie simply nods and nudges me, looking at me with a 'see what I did there' expression, one of what a father would have after lecturing his own kid. 

I gasp from the realization of what I had said and turn to him instantly, my voice higher pitched with overflowing emotions. 

"I-I didn't mean that- I just-" 

"There's the true Kazuto I know, welcome back buddy."

I look at the floor while running my hands through my hair in shock. 

"Crap..." I mutter under my breath. 

The genie pats my back as an aid of comfort. 

I look up at him, looking lost and broken.

"That's the truth buddy..."

"H-How do I tell her, genie?, lying about being Prince'll break her heart...she's in love with me..."

"Kazuto buddy, only you can decide what happens next, I'm just here to support you." 

"Genie, what have I done?...I-I ruined everything by wishing to be a prince..."

My direction turns to the door as I hear a knock. 

"Who is it?" 

"It's Princess Asuna."

"The Princess?! Genie, hide!" I whisper.

In an instant, genie jumps back into his lamp, while I compose myself and head towards the door to open it. 

It was now or never, she has to know the truth. 


I hear her angelic voice once more.

"May I come in?"

"Yes, of course, Princess."

I open the door to greet the princess. She was wearing a light pink dress with bright and colorful designs on it. I hold the door open for the princess to walk in and nervously shut it after.

"So, Princess, what brings you here?"

"I wanted to visit my prince, that's all..."

The princess walks up to me and holds both of my hands. I blush while feeling her hands hold mine. 

Her words resonate on a loop in my mind. 

Her prince, she came to see me, her prince. 

I feel a slight burning in my chest, not just from the princess holding my hand, but because the princess called me 'her prince', meaning this lie has spiraled out of my control, I feel guilty for lying to her, we've made it this far with each other, but it's all lies at the end of the day.

I really am just a thief, I stole her heart, now I was going to have to crush it with the truth of who I really am. 

She's going to hate me, I know she will. 

I gulp as the princess holds my hands. 

"A-and what would you like from your prince, princess?"

"Well, father has arranged for us to have a royal banquet to celebrate our marriage, and wants to invite you as the guest of honor!" she tells me, with gleams of hope in her eyes. 

"A banquet, for me?"

The princess shakes her head and smiles softly while placing one of her hands upon my cheek. 

"No no, for us." 

I feel my chest tighten with guilt. 

I can't take it anymore, the lying and pretending.

Without wasting another moment, I motion the princess to walk to the balcony with me.

"Princess, may we talk on the balcony?" I say, holding my hand out to her. 

The princess nods, happily taking my hand as I lead her to the balcony.

As the princess gasps in amazement of the view as always, I fixate my eyes onto the princess.

"Princess?" I say, in a nervoús tone.

She turns to me and nods. 

"I-I need to tell you something..."



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