Promises, gaming, and pregnancy | a Kirito and Asuna fanfiction

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A beautiful Sunday afternoon was what the Kirigaya household was greeted with, yet the outcomes were more than strange as Kazuto Kirigaya was inside his room, the sunlight shunned and windows closed.

Besides him was his girlfriend Asuna Yuuki, who was immersed in what she had been playing on the gaming console in front of her.

Both Kazuto and Asuna had been playing a game called Gun Blasters Link-up (GBL), a gun game which allowed players to shoot different monsters to level up and equip new weapons to further expand the game environment.

"Hey Kirito?"


Kazuto nods, his eyes fixated on his character's inventory as he was shifting things from his storage to his inventory. 

"Doesn't this game remind you of Gun Gale Online a bit?"

" It does a bit, yeah, apparently the game mechanics are based on the augmented space and function of the system's game database, at least that's what the developers say," Kazuto replies, after pausing the game. 

Shrugging his shoulders, he turns to Asuna, who had a mixture of a dumbfounded/confused look on her face, as if her brain had not yet processed what he had just told her. 

Asuna sits in front of him, pouting and blushing, trying to still take in what he had said, trying to hide the fact that she didn't understand his explanation one bit. 

Kazuto shakes his head, realizing Asuna didn't understand his 'technical talk'  then sighs and smiles softly at her and chuckles, clearing his throat before speaking.

"It's like...the gaming system in the world of the game and its universe are actually joined up with the actual system in GGO...- He pauses to check from her facial expression and tiny nods if Asuna was following his more 'simpler' explanation or not.

She nods at him firmly, which he took as confirmation to carry on explaining, but just as he was about to do so, Asuna interrupts him, with an explanation of her own. 

"Oh, I get it!"

Kazuto blinks in confusion from her sudden announcement.

"You do?"

"Well, I may have not gotten it at first, but I kind of get what you mean, the game's mechanics for GBL is almost an authentic copy of GGO, the game itself follows the system of GGO but leaves out the mechanisms and quality of playing it in virtual simulated environments like when we log into GGO on our Amusphere's right?"

Kazuto blinks in both awe and confusion as to what Asuna had just told him. 

"You should close your mouth, you'll get flies!"  Asuna says, giggling to herself, proud that she was able to impress her boyfriend and 'out-geek' him at his gaming knowledge.

As Asuna resumes gameplay, Kazuto's eyes remain fixated to her. 

"Aren't you going to play, mister?" 

"Y-Yeah in a bit..."

Asuna pouts, blushing as Kazuto is lost for words while looking at her with his charcoal like eyes, she always gets lost in his eyes and his geekiness was no exception, she truly admired his gaming knowledge...and who he was as a person. 

Asuna's heart starts beating rather fast as Kazuto continues staring at her, now looking directly into her eyes. 

"Asuna, how did you-"

"know all that stuff?"

Kazuto nods eagerly to know, pauses the game and gives her his full undivided attention. 

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