Clay told the lady he'd check it out, resuming his shopping trip. However, the employee walked by his side, pulling items off the shelves and showing it to Clay to see if he'd like them and occasionally making light hearted jokes.

Just as he had picked some ingredients out and was about to check out, he got approached once more by the employee.

She looked nervous, fiddling with her hair. "So uh... I don't usually do this and I hope you don't think this is incredibly unprofessional, but..." Clay loaded his items out of his cart onto the conveyor belt at the check out station. "I was wondering if I could get your number and ask you out sometime? We could get drinks or something."

A few thoughts rushed through Clay's mind. She was pretty, and seemed genuinely nice. Plus, he did like the attention...

But George... He didn't even know why he was thinking of him. Would George be upset? That's ridiculous. They were best friends.

In the end, he smiled, taking the phone the woman had been holding out to him. "Sure. I'd like that." He typed his number and name in, giving his phone to her as well. By now, the lady working at the station was done checking out the items and was watching the interaction, playfully rolling her eyes at the woman.

He gave the lady one last smile as he got his phone back, picking up his items and pushing open the door to go back to the apartment. Just as he was about to be out of earshot, he heard excited talking coming from the two employees.

He felt himself smiling all the way back to the apartment. There was something nice in knowing that someone found him attractive. He opened up the contacts app, reading the name she had put herself as.

"Rosie 💘"

With that, he headed up the stairs to the apartment, entering and laying down the groceries in the kitchen. George wasn't on the couch anymore, so he checked the bedroom. Not there, either.

Then he heard George call out from the bathroom, so he headed towards the voice.

George was hunched over the sink, holding a razor in his hand, his face covered in shaving cream. He was smiling.

"So, uh. Whaddya think?" He waved the razor around. "Not the handsome rugged look I had going on anymore, but..."

He was interrupted by Clay's laughter.
"Yeah man, whatever you wanna think." He paused. "It looks good either way." He added, smiling a little.
George averted his face, trying to hide an awkward smile.

"Pshh, yeah. Whatever." Despite his attempts, Clay could see him grinning to himself.

"You gonna be done soon? I got some food."

George tilted his head upon hearing this. "Clay, you didn't have to do that."
Clay reached up to the door handle to let himself out of the bathroom. "I know, but I wanted to. Come to the kitchen when you're done."

Before George could protest, he stepped out, shutting the door behind him with a soft click.

He unloaded and sorted everything he had bought at the grocery store. The kitchen was too dusty though, so he took a washcloth and wiped everything down until it was up to his standards.

Comfort (Dream X GeorgeNotFound)Where stories live. Discover now